Flo flo@social.flal.net

Open on social.flal.net

Geek barbu, avide de bière et de data. programmation et parentalité fonctionnelle. il/lui
Bearded geek, longing for beer and data. functionnal programming and parentiong. He / him

avatar : by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0


sebetoile @sebetoile@masto.bike

#velo #velotaf #logement #urbanisme #hlm #coop
Je cherche à vivre le plus heureux possible dans un environnement qui fait tout pour m'en empêcher

Xavier Delamotte @xade@mamot.fr

🇫🇷 French Software Engineer living in London 🇬🇧. Play the French Horn 📯, Rugby 🏉, Chess ♛♟ and Video Games🕹, but not at the same time.

Mère Teresa @mereteresa@mastodon.tetaneutral.net

Documentarian, geek opensource, dataholic | Féministe autant qu'il le faudra | she/her
Intérêts : logiciel libre, DIY, impression 3D, ergonomie, documentation, vélotaf

Brasserie LaFlotte @laflotte@social.flal.net

Ghetto homebrews in @flo 's garage. #guerrilla #homebrewing #lowtech

( logo lorcblog.blogspot.com/ CC BY 3.0 )

Eilonwy of Llyr @Eilonwyofllyr@mstdn.party

fierce, loving, passionate, professional lifelong learner, easily excitable crafter, voracious reader, mom of lots of boys, desert dweller, lover of cats, lover of science (mostly astronomy, space, earth science, and climate/biology), Stoic pagan kitchen witch, player of ttrpg, liberal she/her

cλémentd @clementd@framapiaf.org

he/him. ¬NT. neurchi de traverse, baker of biscuits.
Senior Staff Headrest for @puna

profile pic by BeJUG

Rob Talks About Beer🍺 @robfrominternet@mastodon.beer

Brewer, Tabletop gamer, Tech evangelist, Prud'homme certified Beer Enthusiast, Scottish Lord, American transplant, & Canadian citizen. I have a show on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@robtalksbeer
I live my life one quarter barrel at a time.

Raito Bezarius @raito@nixos.paris

Student at ENS Ulm in computer science, mathematics, geopolitics and public policies : formal verification maximalist.

President & core contributor at https://mangaki.fr, an open source recommender system for anime & mangas.

Contributor to the NixOS project and Lean theorem prover.

Often available for nerdsnipping or contracting for fun subjects, check my interests on my website!

Profoundly unsatisfied on politics discourse, anti-fascist, fan of https://catala-lang.org/.

Tasting Craft Beer @tastingcraftbeer@mastodon.beer

Certified #CraftBeer enjoyer (Diplom Biersommelier). I give tours at a #brewery and occasionally blog about #beer.

Alter-ego (data science, population health, astrophysics, academia): @harcel

Jérémie Grodziski @jgrodziski@mastodon.social

Jérémy Buget @jbuget@piaille.fr

CTO of GIP Plateforme de l'inclusion. Former co-founder & CTO of Pix. Developper of paastis.dev. Coder. Streamer. Speaker. Writer. Papa pupuce.

Mes valeurs(du moment) : ambition, enthousiasme, humilité, fraternité, exigence, gaieté

#code #webdevelopment #fullstack #management #agile #sotwarecraftsmanship #psg #bulldoganglais #playstation

Else Someone @nobody@mastodon.acm.org

Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University: dense image correspondences, visual [camera] localization, inverse graphics

I might post about: how I lack sun in Finland, how I enjoy NixOS, how I suffer from literally every other build and deployment system... occasionally I'll try to write about #mathematics & my work

0. Autonomy
1. Public discourse
2. Everything else is debatable, including: market and socialism, property, democracy, federation