Flo flo@social.flal.net

Open on social.flal.net

Geek barbu, avide de bière et de data. programmation et parentalité fonctionnelle. il/lui
Bearded geek, longing for beer and data. functionnal programming and parentiong. He / him

avatar : by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0


Brasserie LaFlotte @laflotte@social.flal.net

Ghetto homebrews in @flo 's garage. #guerrilla #homebrewing #lowtech

( logo lorcblog.blogspot.com/ CC BY 3.0 )

Jérémy Buget @jbuget@piaille.fr

CTO of GIP Plateforme de l'inclusion. Former co-founder & CTO of Pix. Developper of paastis.dev. Coder. Streamer. Speaker. Writer. Papa pupuce.

Mes valeurs(du moment) : ambition, enthousiasme, humilité, fraternité, exigence, gaieté

#code #webdevelopment #fullstack #management #agile #sotwarecraftsmanship #psg #bulldoganglais #playstation

Else Someone @nobody@mastodon.acm.org

Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University: dense image correspondences, visual [camera] localization, inverse graphics

I might post about: how I lack sun in Finland, how I enjoy NixOS, how I suffer from literally every other build and deployment system... occasionally I'll try to write about #mathematics & my work

0. Autonomy
1. Public discourse
2. Everything else is debatable, including: market and socialism, property, democracy, federation