tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

Open on

Queer, trans, dev, etc etc.

This my superseriousbusiness account, where I post about :go_to_social: GoToSocial :go_to_social: development etc, and occasionally test things.

I'll probably end up ranting about code or trying to post progress updates and stuff.

Feel free to follow, but if you want official GtS updates, follow @gotosocial instead :)

The custom CSS for my profile is here, feel free to take it, use it, adapt it, whatever :)

My header image is the Windows XP field background.

My avatar image is a picture of me at a table holding a dungeons and dragons book and looking at the camera spicily.


Darius Kazemi

I'm the administrator of this server. is where most of my stuff lives. I make Hometown along with a bunch of other fediverse software (see pinned posts). I'm trying to fix the internet, and some people say I'm at least kind of succeeding. Based in Portland, Oregon, USA. he/him


Unity in Diversity

she/her white old abl.bod mom ger/eng

love trees, music+dance, bratkartoffeln

Grassroots, DIY, Community Work, Power to the People

depressive realist, survivor, ads/aut?

#Zapatistas #EZLN #Rojava #Jineoloji #Sankara#Decolonize #DebtForClimate #Reparations #EndWhiteSupremacy #NoWhiteFeminism #ProtectTransSW #mosstodon

no intro/bio/toots = no follow

ishotjr ✨💙✨💗✨

Ryan Schultz

Mastodon crowd-surfer and toot-booster (amplifier).

Science Librarian at the University of Manitoba, and Social VR/Virtual Worlds/Metaverse Blogger. #SocialVR #VirtualReality #VirtualWorlds #Metaverse #Libraries #Librarian #fedi22 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈 he/him

Note: If you ask to follow me from an account with ZERO or next-to-zero info (no icon, no banner, NO PROFILE TEXT, no posts, and/or no comments), I will deny your request. If you post a lot about U.S. politics without CWs, I will probably mute you.


Stanisław Małolepszy

I make small 3D games (, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.

maloki 🍍:ghostbat:

Let me know why when you send follow req.

Also Check these alt accounts :
@maloki #Tusky & #GoToSocial
@maloki Writing

White, cis-by-default woman in her 30s. Swedish, living in the UK.

Pretend to be abled but live with: Chronic pain, chronic fatigue. #ADHD / ASD
Pandemic isn't over, actively shielding.

I'm apparently a writer. Fat. Cute. A Poly PanBi.

header from: @welshpixie



#mediaStudies #digitalLabour #ideology #infrastructure

having an account just to separate my academic stuff sometimes feels weird; main on lurk

sungo (backup aspect)

⚠ If you want to follow, please interact first. Just say hello, really, whatever.

Content here is keyboards (I make em), 3d printing, tech shit (coding, sysadmin). And lots, lots of profanity and sarcasm.

I am certifiably crazy so expect mental health content.

21+ only

All content expires whenever I feel like it.

alice is not ergo.

endgame is a conspiracy.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex


Dieser Account folgt hauptsächlich Gruppen und großen Accounts um das Föderieren dieser kleinen Instanz zu verbessern.

Follows werden von Hand gesetzt, hier ist kein BOT am werk.

$nyx: paw-socks sysadmin

Your local foxxo, not a person;

La doll cassée du SUD
Still no idea what i am but definitely not human

If you want to follow request, at least have a pretty complete / active profile, or interact with me first so I get to know you.

"T'es génialement cursed" - zoé
"Respectablement cursed" - nonore
"Définitivement saleté de sakapuce" - bram
"Name a kink, Scarlet has it" - nonore, again
"Sale bête" - bram
"only bébou can judge me"

NA 0-4 DIT

NSFW is on main with appropriate CWs.
Profile pic art:

Retired speedrunner turned game reviewer.