tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

Open on

Queer, trans, dev, etc etc.

This my superseriousbusiness account, where I post about :go_to_social: GoToSocial :go_to_social: development etc, and occasionally test things.

I'll probably end up ranting about code or trying to post progress updates and stuff.

Feel free to follow, but if you want official GtS updates, follow @gotosocial instead :)

The custom CSS for my profile is here, feel free to take it, use it, adapt it, whatever :)

My header image is the Windows XP field background.

My avatar image is a picture of me at a table holding a dungeons and dragons book and looking at the camera spicily.


Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

Terminally online, mostly harmless.

I like old computers, retro games and combining the two with some vintage game dev.

My day job involves building web based things with PHP.


syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

• I'm also @tercean
• running for fun and no profit

RIP Captain Snailey 😔🙏

tristan: efdn version

known cabinet expert. bisexual. he/him

i like
-making crafts n stuff
-edgy and macabre bs
-wandering around in the woods at inadvisable hours

"has had a net zero effect on the amount of alices that exist" --paraphrased from triz

"okay fair you would do extremely inadvisable things for monster reasons" --alice

Kavana Ramaswamy

PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge. Brown crip queer.

Profile pic: front-facing profile of my face. I have short black curly hair, brown skin, and angular, messy eyebrows. I'm wearing dark green rimmed glasses and a light-pink, pinstriped, collared shirt.

takin' a break

DM when following (if it's not a follow-back or we're mutuals elsewhere) to let me know why

:flag_pansexual:​ :transgender_flag:​​ :anarchist_flag:​

I love rats and trees; and I write poetry, fiction, and code sometimes.

I post a lot of lewd stuff so minors are not allowed to follow me.

This account has been verified by Official Typeslut™️​ Mathwhores :verified_typeslut_1: :verified_typeslut_2:

"im going to obliterate u friend" - @dragon

💜 @TakeV
💜 @haskal

Stanisław Małolepszy

I make small 3D games (, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.


Linux Nerd. Web developer. Photographer. Electronic Musician. Occasional Writer. General Creative.



Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them

Dmitri | 🇺🇦

Engineer and decentralized standards rabble-rouser. Open Data and Library Socialism activist, sailor, gamer, reader. 0.5th gen immigrant (born in Ukraine, living in US currently). Feminist. Love people, dogs, other animals, books, the sea, & anticapitalist software. Summat' queer and neuro-slightly-off. Would prolly like you if we met.
(he/him) #nobot

Ecsaln [301]

Bike-riding, vegan, pirate. "Café con leche". Old.

Salvages stuff. Fixes stuff. Hax0rz stuff.

NBear. Does crimes. Cider drinker. Union member. Lucha Libre mark. Builder/Operator of a 1kW bike sound-system. Collector of old silicon. Bang Face Hard Crew 2008-23. The personal is political. PLUR. MMFCL.

"El socialismo puede llegar sólo en bicicleta."

Loves: Cats
Hates: Cops


Toots auto-deleted daily.

Follow reqs OK:
* 18+

drymer (them/meh)

Sysadmin, programación, ... Le doy un poco a todo lo que tenga que ver con tecnologia libre.

Sysadmin, programming, ... I like a lot of stuff related to libre technology.

Ross Grady

I live in #DurhamNC & I spend a lot of time thinking about #synthdiy / #eurorack -- my dayjob is in tech because I'm a walking stereotype.

I'm leftist, anti-fascist, pro-LGBTQIA+++, pro-BIPOC, anti-TERF/SWERF, bored with "free speech" arguments, and I believe all cops are bastards.

Currently living on a single-user instance running #Akkoma and trying to decide whether to massively hack the web UI or just wait for one of the various frontends to get pretty enough to satisfy me.