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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Alferecía enjoyer

Hay otros mundos pero están en este.

Una vez me fui de vacaciones unos días a Italia con amigos de Madrid (parabará) y allí vi las cosas más extrañas en un día cualquiera en que yo solo me perdí.


just a funky lady ☭🏳️‍⚧️
I mainly post about DIYhrt, Communism, Linux, and Star Trek

tooting from the twercle pit

please interact with a post of mine before following so I can see how you got here

#nobot #nosearch #noindex

header is Kapteyn's star, look it up


Fueled by a blend of caffeine, love and spite. 1992 model, Unceded Naarm (Melbourne).

Formerly @PinkCathodeCat

#queer #actuallyautistic #actuallyADHD #poetry #pansexual #polyamory #disability #sexwork #CFSME

Bryce Willey

I write software for humans, day job is with access to justice. Biking, Gaming, Fun Graphs.

Feel free to interact! I'm a bit shy sometimes, but am trying to be more outgoing here.


Loves fountain pens, BTS, poetry, science fiction and fantasy. She/her. From the Philippines. Looking for fellow ARMYs.

T 🇯🇴

Studies social sciences & working as social worker, 44 years old (she/her).

Activist, self-dx #ADHD/#autism, #leftist, #socialist, fat activism, climate justice, #intersectionality, nature & social justice. Trying to be the change I wish to see in the world.

I have many hobbies and interests: #gaming, #cooking, #sourdough #baking, #hiking, #lifting, #painting, #music (to name a few).

Toots about any- and everything in Finnish and English, always tries to think with portals.


Tech/risk management consulting, training, writing, music, art, tea.


Disabled. Neurodivergent.
Interdisciplinary Creative.
Intersectionality in everything.

Blind Hams Network

This is the official Fediverse presence of the Blind Hams Network, a multi-mode analog/digital system maintained by and for blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators.

Our network is available on Allstar, DSTAR, DMR, YSF, Echolink, and WIRES x. We have many nets throughout the week, and plenty of good conversation in between.

This feed will provide status updates, net announcements, and news of interest specific to blind hams.

Some automation, but not a bot account.

Byron Aguilar

Amo la vida mis armas mi defensa la luz el amor, y mi escudo es la esperanza. ideología Socialista proactivo creador generador de acciones por unn mundo mejor.


Traslado de sede del gob. del Tártaro por defunción del anterior casero.

Calamity Caitlin

Twitter expat. Made of love & enthusiasm. Soft by choice. MY OTP is you & your ship. She/Her #SqueeAF #WaywardAF #WritingCommunity #Queer, #Pan, #MarriedAMan

I love #Supernatural, & all SPN fans who can stand the terms of service are invited to my instance.

I have a master's in #ComputerScience, but I mostly shill my #art & #SPN plaids during the day, & write erotic fiction at night. I'm decent at it. Gonna publish more than that one original novella aaany minute now. 😂😂😂