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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Paweł Masarczyk

Somewhere between podcasting, accessibility testing, travelling and tweeting in Braille. #a11y #Android #iOS #music #languages pol/eng


Attorney, abogado, avocat in California at TRE Legal Practice (disability discrimination/civil rights). This is not legal advice; I am not your attorney.

Former PhD Candidate in the History of Science & Science Studies/STS (historical impact of technology on U.S. privacy law), adjunct, web developer, sysadmin.

Comms in English, español, français.
 (Other languages welcome but may be machined.)

#Law #Legal #LegalTech #History #STS #Disability #DisabilityLaw #CivilRights #Privacy #fedi22

Samuel Proulx

Blind fanfiction lover (MLP or Harry Potter), settled on mastodon as my home. Professional toots live @fastfinge, casual stuff lives here. searchable
Note: I block anyone quoting posts without notice. If you do that, you're not welcome on my timeline. Thanks!
Disclaimer: the views expressed here do not represent the views of my employer, or even, sometimes, myself. I reserve the right to change my mind; a hot take that I dashed off on Mastodon might not be my forever opinion.

Mayuunesa :dverified:

Soy un joven estudiante/trabajador comunista de 21 años harto de su situación laboral y estudiantil

Mi familia me dijo que dejaría de ser comunista cuando trabajara, cuando empecé a trabajar me dijeron que cuando tuviese mas años se me iría la "tontería", ahora que estoy a las puertas de los 22 me dicen que no tengo remedio.

Estoy estudiando un grado superior de desarrollo web.

Javi Domínguez

Si vienen en busca de opiniones superficiales y desinformadas, dispongo de una amplia oferta. Pasen y vean.

Preston Maness ☭

Free Software fan (love #linux). Spent 20 years in Austin, TX #atx #austin. Now in Fort Worth #FortWorth #Benbrook. BSEE from #TXST, 2014. Currently ((2^5)+1) years old.

Things I used to do:

1. day-job slinging #dotnet core back-end code
2. graveyard shift at #amazon warehouse (DAU1)
3. #DoorDash to make ends meet (the ends did not, in fact, meet)
4. Doordash to pay for my #AppalachianTrail thru-hike in April 2023
5. Postponing the hike to deal with #ChronicIllness (#pancreatitis)

Right now? I'm just trying to survive.

I'm a revolutionary #MarxistLeninist, #diabetic, #diabetes, #MarxismLeninism, #Marxism #Communism #Socialism

🇺🇸 Eng (native) 🇲🇽 Esp (A2/B1)

PeerTube: @aspensmonster

Lemmy: @aspensmonster

Bookwyrm: @aspensmonster

honk honk I'm a truck *brrrrr*

:wave: Hi.

Infosec/GRC consultant specializing in program management, risk assessment and mitigation, and small-g governance. That's my hobby. My profession is running Glass & Stone Pottery Studio in Lake Stevens, Washington, USA.

Queen Lilaerys

I'm a South African writer at a learning technology company, with a side business in HR and D&I consulting and coaching/counselling. My qualifications are in Psychology and Political Science, and I'm currently busy completing a Masters in Human Rehabilitation Science. I'm proudly disabled, and passionate about disability advocacy. Also, I drink too much wine and I'm a cat lover.

Scott Smith

Nathan TeBlunthuis

Computational social scientist with a foot in HCI. Lover of community-built institutions.

I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. I was previosly at the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University and completed my PhD in Communication at the University of Washington. I am a computational social scientist who studies online collective action in projects like Wikipedia, online communities like Reddit, and social movements.


Llevo treinta años en diferentes redes, y he ejercido desde 1987 como abogado en múltiples casos de delito informático. Aquí leo la prensa y la comento con ustedes.


Rising phoenix-like from the ashes of a corrupted account record (originally I'm back.

Main is still, but with a now-working Home TL here, I hope o see if firefish can fully replace mastodon for me. We will see

#gamer #infosec #dad #coffee #puns

I'm an older geek dad in the California bay area.

Please talk to me about
#coffee , #puns , #infosec , #books , #scifi, #ttrpg, or other geeky topics.

I like cheesy 80s pop music, Rush, and GloryHammer. No apologies.

I've discovered
#mastocats hash tag, and #mosstodon and #photography and they've all made this a much more humane place.

I like seeing the "slice of life" posts from real people. These kinds of moments are what connects us.

Pronouns: he/him

#Infosec, #nerd, #dad, older #geek.