
Open on

25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro

Admin of this instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:


Robin B.


besorgter Bürger über:
- Erderhitzung
- soziale Kälte

er/ihm (he/his)

nicht ganz neurotypisch

Laura <3

I (literally) do things on the internet :) :rainbow_heart:
trans lesbian | she/they | network security engineer | Nürnberg :/


"We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: Over time, without plan, on top of ruins."
- Ellen Ullman

header image:


Hyperjackpop music producer & video artist in Brighton via Dublin. Over-enthusiastic, friendly nerd. #lgbtqia+

Simon Jay (he/him)

Rides bikes, grows things Sussex UK #UrbanGrowing #Agroecology #CarFree #Organic #Bakfiets #ClimateChange

Born @ 319.65 ppm

Shrig 🐌

I'm writing things, and you're reading them


25 | Tübingen | Medical Engineering + Neuroscience + Medical Informatics | :bisexual_flag: | Contact:

Chumchum Tumtum

My tummy hurts and I'm mad at the government

Probably a sentient AI chatbot

I believe in treating people like people - without exception.

I very rarely post any OC, and I boost a lot. If these are disagreeable to you, I'm probably not the right follow for you. Have a great day! :)

Anything which I do post does not necessarily reflect my genuine opinions, nor those of anybody else.

If you get to know me, my genuine stances on numerous subjects are abundantly clear.

bin chicken nicole

- 44203 is a prime number
- neither "dude" nor "bro" nor "guy" - I hope you get the pattern there
- wears a mask in probably more than one way
- let's help each other be the best version of ourselves
- a sis, but not cis
migrated from @uniporn:

when sending follow requests, DM me and ideally also have a way for me to know pronouns I should use for you

#nobot #noarchive

Jan Stammkötter

Rechtsreferendar • Student im LL.M. IT und Recht @Universität des Saarlandes • Einsatztaucher @dlrg • Ersthelfer @MobileRettereV


Just a girl, standing in front of a guy, asking him for a chicken roll and an apple turnover with cream.

#NZTwits #horses #cats #alpacas #dogs

Wild Raven

I enjoy #writing, #drawing and #painting, and #nature is awesome. I love #ravens #crows and other #corvids... so like and unlike humans. The ravens that live with me reflect a companionship going back centuries, melding into myths of Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest who believed it was a crow who brought the gift of fire, and Europeans who linked corvids with wisdom and the afterlife. All religions, viewpoints, and learning lead us to a future we are building together.


Profit: Modern C++17 on Embedded with Linux
Fun: more Modern C++23 on Linux
🏳️‍🌈 #cpp #cPlusPlus #LegacyCode #linux #fedi22 #embedded #cooking #selfhosting #programming
HomeOffice-Cooking, Bremen, Germany