Jérémie Zimmermann🎶💗🧀🧉 jz@mamot.fr
ᐸ3 Mostly offline - My life is music and music is life - Hacking with Care! @HackingWithCare /
Sings in showers / cheese / GNU / Berlin / http://datalove.net / #8bit / #16bit / #TeamFerment / ex-@LaQuadrature
glenux @glenux@social.deckard.apps.glenux.net
CoFounder of @dt_privacy and @boldcode_io .
Loving distributed systems, poetry & chaos. Supporter of #education #basicIncome & #humanitarianTech
gled @gled@ap.remote-shell.net
Sysnetadmin / Amateur radio / Telecom at large scale for a living.
Mostly random things, music, tech, ...
I've been on the fediverse forever, but now just hosting that single user instance...