~julienxx julienxx@nein.club

Open on nein.club

Michael Dales @mdales@mastodon.me.uk

Technologist, Luthier, Maker; based in Cambridge, UK. Keen amateur photographer.

Tech wise I work in compute tools to enable and support climate scientists at the University of Cambridge.

Luthier/Maker-wise I'm interested in how to fuse traditional craft with modern digital manufacturing.

Photography wise I take pictures to make me happy, and occasionally make zines.

Drew DeVault @drewdevault@fosstodon.org

I write code

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Does not want to talk to you about cryptocurrency or AI

Kévin ⏚ @kc@social.coop

Based in Paris, I run a Wildcat! BBS like it's the early 90s. J'écris les choses sur internet en texte brut.

Your friendly 'net denizen @cstanhope@social.coop

Interests: programming languages, open platforms, art, craft, diy, and justice. #nobot

nytpu @nytpu@tilde.zone

A winged creature that does the code and maybe even other things. Patented procrastinating on my own projects. I guess I'm also a notable geminaut?

Expect: Furry crap, programming crap (primarily Ada & Common Lisp), and retro tech crap. Also some shitposts. Also angry rants.

All opinions are those of your employer

Note: I rarely post or boost (CW'd) NSFW art

Avatar by @Hexephre

Nocko 🏴 @nocko@kolektiva.social

Permacomputing, Mutual Aid, Middle-aged nursing student. #ldnont, >18

Lorenzo @ranfdev@linuxrocks.online

I like FOSS and programming. I play the drums

theruran 🌐🏴 @theruran@hackers.town

contents: cautionary cyberpunk aesthetic; boosting signal; not that spicy~

ask me about my PhD research.

currently in an abusive relationship with my computer. #noBot

seriously won't shut up about #Ada / #SPARK and #LISP

making progress in my own way.
don't hate; appreciate.

#systemsPraxis: #systemsThinking + #systemDynamics + #systemsEngineering #antifragility #formalMethods #mind and #nature
#retroComputing #OSdev #progLangDesign #fediScholar

hs0ucy 🖤 🏴 🕊️ ✊ 🖖 @hs0ucy@jasette.facil.services

Programmeur en robustesse esthétique & éthique // Programmer in aesthetic & ethical robustness.

#Réensauvagement #Rewilding #Décroissance #Degrowth #LowTech #SmallTech #SmolNet #DIWO #Coop #ÉconomieSociale #FiducieSociale #Poésie #Poetry #Québec #Quebec #Internationalism #Anarchism #AntiFascist #A11Y #UX #SelfHosted

Précédentes incarnations mastodon:
- @hs0ucy (2019-2022)
- @hs0ucy@mastodon.social (2017-2019)

Bannière © Goya, Le Sabbat des sorcières

leeb @leeb@bsd.network

What's old is new again.
BITNET revivalist.

Léo 🦋⚲ @edhebi@eldritch.cafe

C++ • Rust • politics • queer shit • mostly in English

Lars Lehtonen @alrs@lsngl.us

I write Go. I ride bicycles with amateur radios attached. I live in Los Angeles. #cycling #fedi22