TQ ✨ TQ@weirder.earth

Open on weirder.earth

Jackfruit of all trades. Old as in Walkman.
Spacewave nostalgia in E minor.
Too many french horns, too many vocal tracks, too much reverb.

Queerfeminist, parent of monsters, #creator of things, wearer of #makeup. #art­ist, #musician, occasional #writer. Love #startrek, #ttrpg, #activism. Recovering from consumerism.

White, able-bodied, nonbinary, probably adhd.
Always too many ideas and too much energy.

Profile pic shows a lineart of my face in white, black, yellow and purple.


nocci @nocci@social.fedipost.net

playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS - #notjustsad
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn

| no fascism | no racism |

Mx Autumn :fern: @carbontwelve@social.photogabble.co.uk

This is my GoToSocial alt account where I will likely be posting more ad-hoc posts that would otherwise pollute my main instances local feed. :sootsprite: