Bugbear Butch :annoyingdog: Sorl@goblin.camp

Open on goblin.camp

Demigirl. Autistic. Piecing together some kind of life. 36 years old.

"has always seemed like a really good egg" -Lily May Vers

Oddly enough, employed.

3 headmates in plural system: Rowan, Paul, and Duria, but just call us Sorrel because the names are for distinctions between us not for other people to call us by.


🦊 Adelie, et al. 🌳 @careth@fedi.lesbianforest.club

she/they, nonbinary transfeminine plural system, (mostly) lesbians, gray ace, polyamorous, autistic, anarchists, goofy, geeky (computers, audio/music, sci-fi), caring

extremely imprecise age info: millenial

New account but not new to the fediverse. Might be lewd sometimes (with appropriate CWs).

Follow requests welcome! We have them in place to weed out potential bad actors. Please consider being a mutual. We're looking for friends, not just people to ogle.