Statement by an alleged participant of the 2 March Bryansk incident

We found a post on a pro-Ukrainian telegram channel “Skrynka Pandory” which contains a short Q&A with an alleged participant of the 2 March incident in Bryansk Obl, Russia.

The Q&A is provided in the Russian language, and the author calls himself a medic of the group. According to this individual, the group took a month to prepare for the operation, acted rapidly despite the enemy presence, and withdrew before the Russians were able to respond effectively. It appears that the goal of the mission was to shock the Russians and test their defensive measures in the areas bordering Ukraine.

We do not have a way to confirm that the below information is true.

Translation of the post provided below:

“An interview with a fighter who participated in today’s battles in the Bryansk region.

Due to the incident having some secret details, the interview will be divided into two parts. In the second part, there will be other interesting and funny details of today’s events.

We will write about them when it will be possible.

The main quote of the interview: they thought that we weren’t doing it because we could not. We showed that we did not do this before because we just didn’t want to.

Question: How long did the preparation for the operation take?

Answer: A very long time, about a month. The air reconnaissance was carried out literally across the entire sector for several weeks, all the routes of the movement of border guards, local law enforcement agencies were studied, and in general, anything that could be studied, was studied, up to the permanent schedule of shifts at the posts. A separate problem was to organise medics: due to the secrecy of the operation, it was impossible to disclose where, how and what it would be. That is, a prepared crew of medevac had, upon request, to go to an unknown location, not knowing what to do. There were also problems with local hospitals due to the aforementioned secrecy, it was impossible to openly prepare them for the possible intake of patients.

Question: Who were you in the group?

Answer: I am one of the group’s medics.

Question: What emotions did you experience at the stage of operation planning? And what emotions did you have during the battle in the Russian Federation?

Answer: At the stage of planning the operation, there was a great surprise and shock at the arrogance of those who volunteered to do this. During the battle, emotions were rather absent, the situation developed rapidly and complete concentration was necessary. Nearly at the very beginning of the operation, the f*ggots [Russians] turned on the electronic suppression and the connection with the groups disappeared almost completely. Because of this, there were difficulties with understanding the situation on the battlefield, it was impossible to convey to groups the information from birds [drones], and coordination between the groups also went to sh*t.

Question: How did you and your combat comrades react to the clowning of propagandists about the capture of hostages, the murder of children, and the shooting of a school bus? Obviously, they tried to make terrorists out of you, and interestingly, the local authorities later refuted this information.

As a result, they even refuted the seizure of settlements.

What really happened?

Answer: We are still exchanging posts from the Z-channels and laughing.

In fact, the operation was almost bloodless. A whole one border guard was neutralised, and then the groups moved around without any active resistance.

Closer to half of the time we spent there, a fight with f*ggots on vehicles broke out, but what is particularly funny is that vehicles were suppressed by grenade launchers and retreated, and never emerged again.

Question: Is it possible to draw conclusions about the real defense capability of Russians based on the results of today’s events? Or could you say that they did not expect such a “turn of events”?

There is a feeling that they are absolutely not ready for the defense of their lands.

Answer: Real defense capacity at the border is a hundred times worse than what we have organised. Apparently, there are still many areas where ordinary border guards are located without reinforcements of mobilised.

Yes, indeed, they were not even ready for such a turn of events. Judging by their further behavior after our departure, they had no idea what happened and what to do next.

They are actually not ready for the defense of their regions, but if necessary, I think, they will do the same distribution of weapons as we had at the beginning of the war, and hope will be placed on the forces of the local militia, and this will deliver quite a lot of problems. I think that the capture of the regions of the Russian Federation through direct action is difficult to carry out, and will be accompanied by large losses on our part. Given their state of affairs, it is better to invest in the strategy of soft power, the development of separatism in the Russian Federation and joining them on terms more profitable than further existence in the Russian Federation.

Question: I would like to add a funny thing about the fact that you and I contacted exactly at the moment when Russians began to distribute the statement by the CSO of the FSB of the Russian Federation about carrying out measures “to destroy the armed Ukrainian nationalists who entered the territory of the Bryansk region.”

As far as I understand, by that time everyone has already been gone for a while?

Answer: Their “counter-sabotage measures” began almost an hour after the last members of the group withdrew, and shelling of nearby territories continues to this day. What is characteristic is that it is as chaotic as possible, they fire from mortars everywhere, except for those places where we could, in theory, be located. Towards the end of the operation, their artillery began to work, the Orlans and Ailerons took off to search for points of exit and evacuation. They didn’t find us, so they began randomly shelling the forests where we could be.

Another funny moment is the very ridiculous statements by representatives of the RF Ministry of Defense about knocking us out with artillery. Intense shelling began later than an hour after the exit of all the participants of the operation, and the statement about them finally knocking us out was published by the time when some participants of the operation were already smoking hookah in Kyiv. I’m not writing about hookah with irony.

Question: How did the locals react when they saw you?

Answer: They were in f*cking awe. Some went hiding, some in confusion did not even understand what was happening.

The post Statement by an alleged participant of the 2 March Bryansk incident appeared first on WarTranslated.

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