LJ Post 1446217

I was going to Tweet this - Originally posted to LiveJournal

As promised I haven't left my basement today. I've been upstairs for about a total of 15 minutes.

It's bliss, I'm hiding away from the rain and the world (it's still raining right?). I only have to go upstairs for another half hour to cook then I'm all good to remain underground until tomorrow morning when I rejoin society.

For the rest of the day I believe I shall watch the entire Nightmare on Elm Street DVD box set. It's also worth mentioning I've not got dressed past "pants and t-shirt" and it's epic.

I have also been working on Hot Mess Express and installed MovableType but it's giving me a headache, I can't get the website and blog part to work together and it looks rubbish. I might poke it again later, but until then I've relocated to my bed!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
