LJ Post 1434165

God damn you - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I've come to the uneasy discovery today why I find it painful to use a mouse or keyboard when my arm is flat on a desk.

Turns out my wrist set oddly and now it's creeping the shit out of me, it feels so wrong and I'm guessing the only way it's going to go back properly is by breaking it again. I'm going to have to accept that my freaky busted hand is, well, busted.

Not happy.

But you could make my happy-ish by buying my trinkets for sale:-

- HTC Explorer - Black (3) Smartphone
- Kérastase Resistance
- Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance

Alternatively, purchase me a drink on my birthday either in person or online (through the magic of PayPal - mmn@livejournal.com FYI pints cost £3,40 now days...)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
