LJ Post 1350506

This Weekend - Originally posted to LiveJournal

So this weekend I had a treat of some description. I got to work locally! Woo! Nothing like a 3 minute commute to make life rather easy.

We spent the weekend down at Broadmead at the Christmas Market. There was loads of nice things like a german market and some lovely local cider producers as well as a few fudge men.

But the best bit had to be on Saturday when there were three protests outside Vodafone, I took some dodgy snaps:-

On Sunday night we headed out to teh Hooters in Bristol, a fairly new development and the first in the country (much like the Tesco Phone Shop) it was an interesting experience as I've been to the one in Toronto so I had an idea of what to expect.

But the food was alright and at American sized portions you can't really complain about the price. It was a bit odd with the echoes of "Welcome to Hooters guys!" everytime somebody walked in and when the girls just randomly sat down with you and started having a chat.

But all credit to them as it was a good experience in all.

Of course the photo of Richard chowing down on some suicide wing action is in one of my previous posts. After that ended up watching Stella win The Apprentice which is rather ironic when you've had a few before hand.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
