LJ Post 1338022

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • Sat, 20:50: RT @mikeemerge: I once tried to watch both Ghostbusters films online, simultaneously, I had to be careful not to cross the streams. /via ...
  • Sat, 20:51: RT @mikeemerge: There are many perks in being the mother of a living god. I'm sure we could get a magnificent apartment... a car, free p ...
  • Sat, 20:55: The Statue of Liberty being controlled by a nintendo controller and a walkman. Never would have worked with an iPod and Xbox controller. #gb
  • Sat, 20:58: Yeah lady liberty, don't take shit from that museum! #ghostbusters
  • Sat, 21:04: ZOMG SPEED!!!! THIS IS THE BEST SUNDAY EVAR! @fivetv
  • Sat, 21:08: Slimer disapproves of your #xfactor http://twitpic.com/38yxly
  • Sat, 21:26: Films in the 90s took so long to get started with their credits and such!
  • Sat, 21:29: YEAH car flying over the brow of a hill scene!
  • Sat, 22:16: "FUCK ME", "Oh darn!" #speed
  • Sat, 23:06: PLEASE READ !!!!!! If someone comes to your front door and asks you to remove your clothes and dance with your (cont) http://tl.gd/73evgj
