LJ Post 1289055

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 12:41 Oh dear there is a tear in my jeans near my bits. I've just used some tape to seal the crack! #
  • 12:42 @colmirl Demand €70! #
  • 12:45 @penelopeelse Goto www.myip.dk then do a search for what ever isp it seems to be. Some isps force port 25 to go through them anyways. Try it #
  • 12:48 twitpic.com/1mo4ka - In my car spanking out the tunes to try and cover the road works. #DoofDoofDoofDoofDoof #
  • 12:49 @oshiewan It's all the raving mate, it catches up to you eventually. #
  • 12:53 @125f8 They've done it at home but not at my mates or work so i only really get decent signal in one place. Maybe it'll improve?! #
  • 12:54 @AlexanderHanff Sorry I totally missed what was occuring, what happened? #
  • 12:55 @LizLemonhead And it's not even pronounced with the normal levels of phlem associated with a 'Ll' name. #oltl #
  • 12:57 @rjmarmol No problems that's what a democracy is all about! Carry on. #
  • 13:32 @colmirl If the tables were turned then they'd send debt collectors to your door. Screw the lot of them! #
  • 18:16 @pifflevalve Not zombie thatcher #
  • 18:47 @FagHagMom Twitter is doing it to everybody! You're still loved by us all. #
  • 18:49 @ChrisCrocker I've ran across about 5 people now that it's happening to... #
