LJ Post 1283999

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 13:58 Anybody interested in sparking up a relationship, because I can't cook for shit. This is a prerequisit. #
  • 14:46 @colmirl It's like cake or death really, you make the cake and I don't dispose of you in the robot uprising. #
  • 14:57 Er, The Rhythm of The Night is number on on FG. I'm getting flashbacks to the early 90s. #
  • 14:58 @colmirl You say this now, but when the iPhone comes self aware, you'll be at my door with cake. #
  • 15:24 I just found this in my VOX account - although old news still interesting - bit.ly/aeuTtK #
  • 15:42 @colmirl I just visualised that and I think we could make a film out of it. #
  • 17:47 ZOMG - bit.ly/dsYE28 #
  • 17:51 @colmirl twitpic.com/17w4b4 - Your debit card is slightly darker than my UlsterBank debit card :( #
  • 18:05 twitpic.com/1if7qq - @colmirl I think RBS invested in a very different blue for ROI. #
  • 18:06 @FagHagMom LOL Fair play! #
  • 18:10 @oshiewan I just choked on my coke reading that. Harlot! #
  • 18:22 @colmirl You're a part of the dark blue conspiracy, it's like the Da Vinci code all over again! #
  • 18:30 @colmirl [I have now gone missing] #
  • 21:48 @colmirl [still missing] #
  • 21:50 I just saw something very very wrong on the internet. My eyes will never was it away! #
  • 21:59 @colmirl [I've uploaded my soul to the internet through my 3 Mobile(tm) but still missing in body] #
  • 23:01 twitpic.com/1ihe9m - I just found this! 76 Hill Ave was awesome! #
  • 23:03 @colmirl Lets not be silly now! 3095. #
