LJ Post 1277484

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 05:56 Seriously i'm getting withheld calls all night now! Just picked up three blank messages. #
  • 11:52 I appear to be missing a finger print. #
  • 13:33 @divaschematic Make your own lipstick made from house paint and say it's "enriched with leadilites". #
  • 19:03 twitpic.com/1dg1f6 - I don't know what i did, but i found a blood trail through the house and a rather large stain in my shoe. #
  • 19:05 @pifflevalve That's what happens when you live in an old people's home, you can salvage their rooms. #
  • 21:02 twitpic.com/1dgqcq - Freaky harry #
