LJ Post 1276516

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 10:49 Ugh. I'm seriously considering Swindon. #
  • 11:10 Just because Jesus died years ago, doesn't mean you can make bank holiday Friday television suck gigantic ass. #
  • 11:41 Oops. Harvey just figured out the concequences of the electric fence. It sounded like a car crash outside. Now he won't leave me. Fool! #
  • 11:43 @pifflevalve Welcome to the World of Tomorrow(TM)! #
  • 11:52 @divaschematic Did you get a man wearing a bra? Because I did on my first time! #
  • 12:41 @divaschematic Was it a particularly ugly jumper? #
  • 13:01 @divaschematic That's a bit disapointing for a first run! #
  • 15:58 Ho hum, VNC is acting up (setting to maximum colours when I advise it 8bit plz) and TTYtter is going crazy with slashes and quotes.... #
  • 17:41 Is Greece still going bust? Cos UK plc should take it over. Imagine: Great Britian, Northern Ireland and Greece. Empire on the cheap. #
  • 17:41 @colmirl Ikea? #
  • 17:45 @colmirl Have Halifax started buying hotels like their dismal attempt at Radio? #
  • 17:48 @colmirl You'd be doing them a favour. In this instance I recommend beating them to an inch of their lives, that way they'll live w/it 4evr. #
  • 17:49 @divaschematic I reckon this is a photoshop job, albeit video. #
  • 17:55 @divaschematic Trust, nobody who works for Network Rail is that competent. #
  • 19:07 When I drink too much I feel like Lady Gaga. Right now, I feel like Lady Gaga. Oops. #
  • 20:59 twitpic.com/1coofy - I like them tall and black with great head. #
