LJ Post 1261176

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 00:13 Not to make a fuss or anything but #godaddy know their business whe it comes to customer service! #
  • 00:18 #Facebook - join a cause, be outraged then play bejeweled and click "i like" an a wanky status update and repeat hourly. #
  • 16:36 @lakeguydreams just buy domains but just bought an SSL certificate for my server and snappy and done quickly. #
  • 17:22 @lakeguydreams i already have a server that i host from home but i also share a #dreamhost account with @fuegofish. #
  • 18:33 @duanebrown it's pub time now, get some cheasy chips #
May this have been a meaningful post.
