LJ Post 1258673

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 12:12 The #snowmageddon commeth! #snowmageddon10 #
  • 14:57 #snowmageddon is here, we're all doomed! #
  • 20:44 I wonder when I'll get my Visa Debit card off @UlsterBank. I'm kind of tired of waiting for my current card to get declined in Tesco.... #
  • 20:45 @duanebrown I demand Twitpic for proof. #
  • 20:46 @mkuplens Listen, the trains can barely handle leaves on the line and most of the public can't drive on a clear summers day! It's normal. #
  • 20:50 Darren Styles is my Jesus and this is why - bit.ly/5RCZW3 #
  • 21:05 It's so cute, yet so evil - bit.ly/6Mp2r1 #
  • 21:31 @mkuplens That's pretty funny journalism. If I could call it journalism. #
  • 21:42 @fuegofish What do you expect? That's why they're auto-follow bots, because they're hawkling shit nobody wants, needs or desires. #
May this have been a meaningful post.
