LJ Post 1258413

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 01:29 Apache, Reverse Proxy, ProxyPass, HTML, PHP, DNS, ZOMG This is a geeky brain hurty Saturday night. #
  • 22:01 Wow, CoTweet is a bastard. It has the front to tell me my "Klout" is 7. Lets start throwing abitrary numbers around. @fuegofish is a H25! #
  • 22:05 Awesome in the face of not awesome - AWESOME 3 now supports Twitter SMS. Not Awesome, my service has been suspended cos I ain't paid them. #
  • 22:28 @fuegofish Well the H stands for "Hollaz" a new unit of measuring Web3.2 Guru-ness. #
May this have been a meaningful post.
