LJ Post 1250787

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 11:48 ZOMG The Flinstones are on BBC Two! #
  • 11:54 Ugh O2 Recycle hasn't paid out my monies yet. This is going to be a lean evening #christmasukash #
  • 11:56 @divaschematic Was it "100 Reasons Global Warming is Natural?" #christmasukash #
  • 12:20 @divaschematic Only the Express could think that bollocks up. It does give you the punchies. #
  • 17:35 How the fuck do you add a mobile to Twatter? I click on devices and it doesn't let me register, just says LOL TXT START I do and no reply.. #
  • 17:45 Every so often Twatter really fucks me off, this is it "LOL WRKZ ON URANGE" LOL Not prick help says "more easier like this" cunt off. #
  • 17:46 UK: 86444 (Vodafone, Orange and O2 customers) HAY CUNT FACE I'M TEXTING YOU FROM AN ORANGE PHONE ON THE ORANGE NETWORK. #
  • 17:48 And my email address is functional too stop whining about it "not receiving email" it does. #
  • 17:49 Is this the spirit of the fail whale in the room? #
  • 18:37 Got a text from twitter. Halarious says "we haven't heard from you in a while". Could have said the same thing bud. #
May this have been a meaningful post.
