be sure to pet Gryph Gryph is very poofy

when i used many websites . in all websites i always wanted to write something about the Gryphons . when i did this . then others likely thought things about me

this is me when i’m myself

someone told me u should be urself . very nice . bc u read this and yes indeed i’m myself . i write in my way . then i talk about the Gryphons . now how cool is this . there’s only one thing this thing is no-one cares

bc no-one really has cared about me for my life

unique is nice still no-one really needs u . who needs Gryph . still this would be a mistake . bc in the end . everybody needs Gryph

Gryph is an unusual creature . Gryph represents what the Gryphons are . the Gryphons are cute and poofy beasts . the Gryphons are not only random mythological animals . the Gryphons have real lives . and the Gryphons hate to be lonely

which is why there’s Gryph . and Gryph’s very desperate therefore Gryph talks about the Gryphons like always

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  • by Gryph the Gryphon . talk with Gryph in neocities in Gryph-the-Gryphon or in mastodon in Gryphon in