Announcing Funkwhale Sync #1, let's build Funkwhale together!

A french version of this entry is available here.

Funkwhale Sync, by @troll

A few days ago, Troll suggested in our Matrix room that we could have a regular meeting with the community, to discuss important topics, organize things, answer questions, etc. This resonated a lot with what I want to do as a project maintainer to ensure Funkwhale is in the hands of the community.

We've decided to experiment on this idea and to have our first meeting in november. The good news is that you can be a part of it!


This meeting will be the opportunity for Funkwhale users and contributors to synchronize (hence the name) around the project:

  • Get to know each other, and welcome newcomers
  • Discuss what should be done, how, by whom, etc.
  • Work together on the governance, tools, roadmap, etc.


We'll pick the most voted date from this poll:

Participation is open to everyone :)


The meeting itself will last 1h at most, and happen on We'll do it via an audio call, but people not able or not willing to use audio will be able to use the text chat to ask questions.

Prior to the meeting, anyone can submit new topics in the meeting agenda: We'll freeze the agenda 24h before the meeting.

During the meeting, we'll simply discuss items from the agenda. We'll keep 10 minutes at the end for discussion / questions related to topics not covered in the agenda.

The meeting will likely happen in french, as it's the language used by a huge proportion of our community. You can still come if you don't speak french, and we'll do our best to translate things for you. Designing something more convienient for non-french speakers is also part of the meeting agenda ;)

Participation is open to everyone, you'll only need a Matrix account, to join the Matrix channel ( and be there at the chosen date.

Let's meet!

That's it, we hope you'll be there. Send any question regarding the meeting on, on our Mastodon account, or by reply on this blog entry.

See you soon!