Milf Van Den Bos

Open on

It's me tobi! :skullpat:

Queer, nerdy, trans, aficionado of the bizarre and the grotesque. I'm in my mid-late 30's and I'm tired. My preferred pronouns are they/them but it's not terribly important so just use whatever you feel like.

I'll mostly be using this account for posting nonsense that comes into my head, and delighting in goblinesque shenanigans.

I'll likely also post / boost some queer naked sexy stuff so ya know, be an adult and cool with that.

Follow requests are welcome if you're cool and we've interacted in some way before. Knob heads get blocked.


Mistress Nora

🔞 plz

39 / She/Her/They/Them / ⚢ / ∞♡

Switchy, sub-leaning poly lesbian femme person figuring their kinks out. Bit of an exhibitionist.

yourface, new titless flavour

queer in pretty much all the ways
local dildo-flinger who flings sex toys and gender affirming gear
very into therapy atm
a little bit of a dweeb
i curse quite a bit
flirting is cool


Ugla frá barrskógabeltinu.

Please interact before sending a follow request.

Lives in Norrland with heartfriend Krummi and adopted cats.
Likes forests, lakes, languages, synths.

:agender_kitty: :autism:

ryan wolf

hopeful and mad about it. he/him, 34, pittsburgh. member of alphabet workers union, works at google, views are my own.

"hygge blofeld over here" -

hugh grant but not orange

queer, :communism:​, tired, 18+ only

If you follow request and I don't know you - you'll likely be left there.


trash, #developer, #vegan, grassroots consensus democracy 🚩🏴, contributing to Tusky, kibou

Neurodivergent. Chaotic AF. Annoying. Can't shut up. Pessimist. Likely depressed rn.

White but not from where you think. Mostly masc but my gender is ???

Longer here than you are.

⚠️ Pls @ when following unless I follow you.

Won't boost media without descriptions, caption them.

if you are into authoritarianism the door into the outer space is right behind me.

Helge Rausch

I've learned so much from my mistakes,
I'm thinking of making a few more.


I may not be well versed in leftist theory but I will do the dishes

i mostly post shit about lefty politics, guitar, music, languages, and computers

If you don't have any posts or a bio, I'm not going to approve your follow request.



Trans non binary, enjoying life.

Ace, very likely autistic diagnosis still in progress.

Part synthetic

I talk about life, the universe and the rest, my political opinions, with CW, anything that comes to my mind. And boost bird pictures.

dev at Logitech

If your account is empty, I won't accept follow requests, but if you've got a introduction and are clearly queer or seems like an ally I'm very likely to accept so don't fear following

Tess Elation :heart_trans:

30 yr old trans woman lesbian/queer.
Frequently exhausted
Trying lots of things, but here I mainly chill and make puns and silly jokes
#nobot #noindex #nospoons


Devotee of the Weird and Macabre 💀
Neojacobin revenant :guillotine:
Dark communist :communism:
Cat whisperer :blobcat:

Long live the Red Republic!

Aravinth Manivannan

Hello 👋

I'm a Free Software developer currently working on:
- Accessible automated CAPTCHAS with @mcaptcha
- Libre forge ecosystem with @gna
- JAMstack platform with focus on privacy and speed with @librepages
- Software forge federation with @forgeflux

My pronouns are he/him