Milf Van Den Bos

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It's me tobi! :skullpat:

Queer, nerdy, trans, aficionado of the bizarre and the grotesque. I'm in my mid-late 30's and I'm tired. My preferred pronouns are they/them but it's not terribly important so just use whatever you feel like.

I'll mostly be using this account for posting nonsense that comes into my head, and delighting in goblinesque shenanigans.

I'll likely also post / boost some queer naked sexy stuff so ya know, be an adult and cool with that.

Follow requests are welcome if you're cool and we've interacted in some way before. Knob heads get blocked.


The gentle klingon

Age 30+, Pronouns he/him, Planet Qo'noS.

Header: Starship Enterprise zooms through space.
Profile: A curious little yellow emoji blob against a black background.

Follow requests welcome! Locked to stop bots.
Joined July 30, 2019.
#nobot #nosearch


generally confused

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

#NoBot #NoBots


29 y/o trans girl from the states living in Berlin.

Interests include photography, nature, and home bartending.

Tech worker, lesbian, and married.

Fascists and terfs can fuck off. 🔞

Follow requests welcome!

Mirah Image :blobcatcoffee: 🍉

Dr. Mirah Gary • roller derby player • RabbitMQ tech lead • former theoretical physicist • trans woman • queer • All Cats Are Beautiful

Rune, the Prime Neutral

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

Alt of

Pronouns he/him, they/them

#nobot #noindex

ctucx (moved to

leah, she/her, lvl 24, 🏳️‍⚧️, :antifa:

you may know me from my pleroma account at

🔒: @leah_priv


No estoy aqui para tener sentido.

Be prepared to read toots in multiple languages.

Scheißpfosting? Ja, Danke!

Elikkäs sekaisin asiaa ja tyhjänjauhantaa.

If you don't like books or languages, why would you even send a follow request?

Autisti ja trans.

Ik heb geen voornaamwoorden, gebruik wat je wilt.

No nazis, fascists, terfs, antivaxxers, cryptobros or similar.

Ma liikun ainult fitsiga ja rongiga.

Anti-Chompsky Aktion 🚩🏴 generative linguistics is 💩

Also BookWyrm: @Stoori.


writing bad code
building bad hardware
loves VR tech but is too tired to use it most of the time
cuddles welcome
20 y/o
i use arch linux, btw

I am the single user of this single-user Misskey instance. (technically not single-user instance anymore, but leaving this in because it sounds funny)

Follow requests will generally all be accepted (exceptions are hateful or spam accounts)


Im Skrlet13, admin of Chilemasto

Agénero, chilene.

No reviso a toda la gente de la cual tooteo, así que vayan con cuidado. Espero ser inofensive. Todo retootable si no se dice lo contrario.

Siéntete libre de hablarme

xp es crossposting A birdsite


Special Ed Teacher, 
Aspiring #author
, #Esotericist (if that isn't a word it *should* be dammit)


Sally Strange

Middle-aged, married bi dyke. Professionally: conservation x construction
Generally: SFF (books especially), anarchy, fiber arts, solarpunk, climate change, music & dance
PFP: Selfie w/ dark blue hat, big sunglasses, & light & dark blue scarf covering my nose & mouth. I'm standing on a frozen, snow-covered lake
Header: Snow-covered meadows & trees seen from a tall roof on a sunny day