technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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Lawyer-turned-programmer with an interest in web development, open source, and making things as simple as possible.


Keith (karmajunkie)

Software engineer in Austin TX (working mainly in Elixir, formerly Ruby). Married, 2.5 kids, dog and a cat.

You may see me around elsewhere on the net under the handle karmajunkie. I'm also the admin and founder of this instance.

I started to have an instance for #austin and people who like being in Austin, including our neighbors in Central TX.


makkin thing

I try to make funky stuff. Lots of physical UI/UX, human-computer interfaces, other messing around.
#nobot #noindex

Douglas Creager

Managing the #SemanticCode team at #GitHub. PL dilettante. Unapologetically retro.

This is a 9 planet family, kids! ♇

🧭 Massachusetts

Conor McDermottroe

I'm a software developer for CircleCI. I'm also a competitive rifle shooter for Ireland and Dublin University Rifle Club.


robin | they/them | en eo grc lat | an animal unknown to science | socialist | gnu & volunteer | compiler engineer at @spritelyinst | jam temp' está


I try to make software that helps other people make their software for expensive computers made of other computers go faster. He/him. Not actually a cat.

Tobias Adam

Physics degree dropout and graduated audio-visual media engineer who finds himself writing software for a living. I enjoy functional and interactive programming and Clojure is where both ends meet best for me. Former JavaScript, Ruby, and Java programmer (in order of experience). And (as you probably guessed): I like naming things.

Senior Clojure Developer at OTTO, Hamburg, Germany.

Find my personal, non-work related (and German) profile at ‪@salonsozialist .

Ayush Agarwal

linux sysadmin, devops enthusiast

Richard Schneeman

I am:

- A possibility space explorer 🚀
- An open source teacher and author
- A Ruby 3.2+ core committer
- The creator of
- (he/him)

Y’all means all