technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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A programmer trying to create well-designed and performant software. Inspired by the Handmade Network's way of development. Interested in data-oriented programming, mathematics and language learning.

Nora Dimitrijević

Software dev, working in programming languages and static analysis, armchair linguist and conlanger, #ChapmanStick amateur and karaoke fiend.

Based in Amsterdam 🇳🇱.

Interests: #Tech #FOSS #ProgrammingLanguages #LLVM #MLIR #Compilers #CategoryTheory #Databases #Datalog #Haskell #Lisp #Conlanging #Esperanto #Philosophy #Psychoanalysis #Lacan #Hegel #Demoscene #C64 #Amiga #MusicTheory #Renoise #Furry #EcstaticDancing #ScummVM #Weird

Personal: #Autistic #Polyam #Trans


Mx. Em Cariglino

telephone girl, #AIethics hobbyist, independent researcher, themme fatale. present projects involve telephony, gender, machine being, disability, and historical #HCI. they/them


UNIX cultist - Asterisk wizard
General purpose geek (batteries included)


high-tech skills, low-tech ambitions.
For work, I run, an org that forecasts the future of rivers and monitors natural and conserved spaces.

For not work, I'm running, gardening, making music, and searching for the intersection of mysticism, art, and technology. I live with my family in Massachusetts.


Software Engineer / Dev Manager from the #Chicago area, hackin' on semantic-to-a-fault web tech since '98.

Likes: #Lisp, #Scheme, #Clojure, #Emacs, #Guix, and the #web (the hypertext dream, semantics and #a11y, and even the ugly scheme: #JavaScript).

Hates: Gods and Masters. (Also Java.)

(string/replace everywhere #"(Java)+(Script)?" "Clojure$2")


- 没什么营养的日常碎碎念,转载请标注源链接,仅关注可见内容不接受无授权转载,不接受转发到telegram等SNS平台
- 站点不太稳定,有的消息可能接受不到

Paul Rohr

Dad, startup guy. Ideas matter. Data matters. It's about we, not me.

EvilKiru 🇮🇸 he/him

Born in Iceland. Live in the US. Computer geek. #tfr


I am a teenager (he/him). This is my first social networking experience.

Douglas Creager

Managing the #SemanticCode team at #GitHub. PL dilettante. Unapologetically retro.

This is a 9 planet family, kids! ♇

🧭 Massachusetts