technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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I am but a humble code farmer. Work-wise, it's a bit dull. When I have the energy for non-work tech, it's probably in some obscure Lisp dialect, especially tinkering on/with, and occasionally contributing to, #fennel

My favorite covid-times pastime has been diving into weird/funky/experimental music from music scenes I haven't explored yet. If you recommend me an album, I'll give it a listen!

...I should probably fill this out properly at some point. I end up focusing on boring stuff when I have to write an intro like this. But hey, if you're still reading this, you made it to the end! Congrats!


IT Professional. Bassist.

Andrii Mishkovskyi 🇺🇦

Pythonista, clojurista, rustista, beerista. In no particular order.


Developer in JC, NJ. Helps make happen.

Zach Thomas

Texan, information farmer, formerly Okkervil River.

Guillermo Vayá

Trying to figure out how X works, for X being:
- being a parent
- my amazing Mattermost team
- Remote work
- Open source
- Photography, mostly analog
- Jazz
- Mastodon & the Fediverse

see shy jo

Joey Hess

Damian C. Rossney

I'm a Ruby developer from Westchester, New York. I'm interested in web application development, internal infrastructure development, and exploring the limitless ways in which code can help solve real-world problems.


Tod Kurt (todbot)

runs ThingM, maker of blink(1) USB LED & BlinkM, co-founder CrashSpaceLA hackerspace, Pasadena, CA, he/him 

#electronics#circuitpython #arduino #rgbled #usbhid #blink1 #raspberrypipico #diysynth #eurorack #synths #synthesizers #midi #openhardware #opensource


I drink things and I know wine

Chip Butty

Applied speculative social history of the future$:idle: