technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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Humberto Anjos

Either a developer or an enterprise architect, although I only get paid for the latter...

Some hashtags (too SEO-ey?):

- Places: #Brazil, #Brasil, #Brasilia
- Code: #ProgrammingLanguages, #Clojure, #Java, #Lua
- General nerdiness: #BoardGames, #RPG, #SciFi, #Fantasy, #Space, #Discworld, #Storytelling, #StarWars
- Music: #ProgressiveRock, #Fusion, #Jazz, #Rock, #HeavyMetal, #Rush, #LedZeppelin, #MahavishnuOrchestra, #SpocksBeard, #StevenWilson, #IronMaiden, #Genesis, #Transatlantic, #Elder, #KingCrimson, #FrankZappa
- Sports: #Futebol, #Soccer, #WorldCup, #Palmeiras, #NBA
- World: #Geopolitics, #Investing
- etc: #UrbanExploration, #Whisky


And I will go, I don’t know where, forever.


CS researcher at University of Oslo. Mostly reading, rarely writing, hope that's ok


Lurker. Programmer. Into games (video, board), languages (broad vs deep; ie. can't speak in them), music (metal mostly).


Leon Barrett

Thomas Berryhill

FOSS enthusiast, emacs tinkerer, bassoonist, software engineer

enjoyer of embedded dev, lisps, functional programming, strong type systems, good coffee, weird keyboards, and sci-fi!

monad understander

fire exits are to the far left.

Tim Lavoie

Working in infosec, from my island paradise.
Fascinated by how tech is (ab)used in real life, and how it might help, or hinder our lives.
Love messing with programming languages, photography, getting outside.

Don Marti

(he/him) VP Ecosystem Innovation at Raptive (the company that used to be CafeMedia), member of W3C privacy and advertising groups, desktop Linux user, live in California, on US-Eastern time mostly. I'm usually either the privacy person in the advertising meeting or the advertising person in the privacy meeting.
All posts are personal opinions, not speaking for employer or any organization here.

mei 🌒&

like the rest of them but cuter. embarrassed but growing

#nobot 🥺

if i unfollowed you and you're at least vaguely queer please feel free to ask why. the follower management UI is bad and it might've been accidental!

"minors dni" dni (unless you would like to discuss the merits of "minors dni" with me ; otherwise, i'm blocking for this retroactively)


solarpunk urban mystic on my best days,
bedridden anxious mess at my worst

perennial interests:
gardening, fermentation, foraging, sailing, climbing, cycling, generative systems, privacy, philosophy, communication, self hosting, programming, ambient / industrial music, sustainability, literature, poetry, reflection, kindness, understanding, occultism

I love meeting new people! DMs open, email or matrix preferred; join my matrix instance :3

trying to build a mutual aid network with friends!

Unixorn - 90% Snark by weight

Have GNU, Will Travel.

I'm an #SRE in Denver. Don't contact me about cryptocoin bullshit, I'm not interested in supporting #griftcoin in any way.

I mostly talk about #cooking, #cats and #homeassistant.

#fedi22 #adhd #neurodiversity #cats #foodie #cooking #zsh #homeassistant #smarthome #homeautomation #opensource #foss #python #scifi #sre #devops #voteblue
