blackle mori

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its



Defend democracy. Fight fascism. | Slava UKR! Free Palestine. Love Trans People. | CV19 kills: Mask Up Every Day, Everywhere. Get Vaxxed. Ventilate rooms. | Algonquian Patawomeck Land

Information Architect and Strategist | Data becomes information only within a context. All information is vulnerable to distortion. Defend meaning with strong context.


This is a non-interactive account (but not a bot) which follows people/accounts to enrich and populate the federated timeline on - Follows are hidden on this side and may be automated. Following != Endorsement

Reality :blobhaj_flag_nonbinary:

Demoscener, beer enthusiast & IT consultant.


Sociologist working in tech. Author. Tech Scholar. Future of Work. Enterprise Software. Sad about Twitter but happy to be here.

Dick Gottem P.I.

Grew up in Puzzle Bobble but graduated cum laude from Farmville and took a PhD dissertation on Candy Crush Saga (name of my uni). You can ask me anything and I'll misdirect you to the best of my abilities.

#nobot #noarchive #noindex #noai #nochatgpt #noskynet #notoiletpaper #noscraper #yestoscat #yestourine

Clem Furler

Youngest of six - he/him - Naarm/Melb - personal topics of interest, local and/or general

Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:

I hack binaries.

Security researcher, cryptography geek, ex-sysadmin, expat (US🡂UK), queer, enby, polyam, etc.

My continuing mission:
To explore strange new platforms.
To seek out new bugs and new software.
To boldly shitpost where no one has shitposted before!

D Potter

Writer of words and reader of books. The two may be connected. Not sure. Owner/creator of . I have too many hobbies, please buy some of the results.

CharLES ☭ H

Boys just want to have fun. / Composer / Coder /

Proud member of the MIDI Association

This is not my "professional" account. I'm just posting weird stuff.

If you know me from another social network or in real life, please say hello!

If you are a student in one of my classes, please wait until you graduate to follow me.


huge volumes of relevant-looking, original, non-repeating high-black-density junk

just me talking about stuff I guess. common themes include: tech, maths, music, trans stuff, left politics

fair warning, I often post about drugs, sex, religion, politics, rock n roll, etc. I wouldn't follow me in a professional capacity.


irgendwas mit hamburg und software und fahrrad. he/him.

alt: @meatpuppet

wakest ⁂

a sprout