Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir
A fellow random number generator.
Jonan Gallastegui
Fisikaria, irakaslea, xake-jokalaria, korrikalaria, mendigoizalea eta beste zenbait gauza gehiago.
Physicist, teacher, chess player, runner, lover of mountains and more things.
Cyberspace astronaut
Computer scientist pursuing a PhD degree and occasional contributor to a FOSS project near you. Interested in software security (especially regarding embedded devices), operating systems, and computer architecture.
Sergei Kolesnikov
I'm a software engineer, photographer, and professional procrastinator
9front, vocaloid, and old games probably.
Alt account for @julienxx
#plan9 #9front #smolinternet #emacs #openbsd #rust #haskell #retrocomputing #COYS #punk
Paul SomeoneElse
My name is Paul.
I like bands like High on Fire.
I like bicycles but don't ride them anymore.
I'm some form of socialist/anarchist and pro-labor / unions.
I volunteer for both :)
I like all of the programming languages and switch too often between them.
vi not vim, but emacs is ok too especially when doing lisp stuff.
And I will go, I don’t know where, forever.
Dave MacFarlane
Some guy in Montreal.
Mostly posts about #COVID. Also interested in #aikido, #plan9 / #9front, #science and #neuroinformatics.
Hardware & software hacking, sustainability, mysticism, music, cooking, coffee, and tea. Eminently curious and idealistic, slowly learning to love reality. In search of beautiful moments, ideas, things.
I teach computers how to sing. Alt of @paul
Current project: