Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir
A fellow random number generator.
Jack Rusher
Former kernel hacker and Bell Labs/AT&T Researcher, currently making art and technology in Berlin.
Som Snytt
a human i think [he/they]
i post about hyperfixations and also my mood occasionally. would like to make friends on fedi :)
"oh my god seb you should not be allowed to write c code" - @ecs
occasionally my avatar changes between various colors in the NES color palette, don't worry about it it just does that sometimes
[insert clever and potentially humorous thing here]
little bit of 9front, music, occasionally worried about international politics and not particularly fond of working.
(software) engineering, curiosity, books, painting little things
krzych 🇵🇱🇪🇺
Aerospace engineering student in Belgium. I also like to program and wander in places and nature.
I speak English and French.
: j@fabrica:~/src; :t_blink:
Journeyman human being. Sous-Chefs founder. Sacrificed my beard to a respirator against woodworking, PNW smoke and plague, the rest of the hair went on its own.
This is not a place of honor.
i make weird art and music.
i also live in an old house in the countryside near Buffalo with a partner who writes books about society and climate change, a daughter who thinks computers are boring, and a cat.
Chronic procrastinator and lurker.
Hopefully I'll be more active and work on more stuff in the future.
𝕵𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝕸𝖎𝖌𝖚𝖊𝖑
Mad scientist, martial artist.
Software Engineer #SiFive.
Level 21±5.
Feel free to DM, always open to talking to people!