Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir

Open on

A fellow random number generator.




Currently tinkering with stuff on the sunny South Coast of the UK.

By day I am one of those people that 'does something with computers', usually around data visualisation.

By night I'm usually wandering around
#NoMansSky or #ElderScrollsOnline building stupid stuff in both.

#EFF and #ORG supporter.

Been using
#PGP since 2000 and no-one has ever mailed me.


Average sysadmin interested in *BSD and 9front, plus lots of misc.
I’m also on Matrix:



I write bad bash scripts and draw thick ladies from time to time. I do commissions as well, but it's nothing very formal at the moment


Lurker avec les doigts.


Michael Dales

Technologist, Luthier, Maker; based in Cambridge, UK. Keen amateur photographer.

Tech wise I work in compute tools to enable and support climate scientists at the University of Cambridge.

Luthier/Maker-wise I'm interested in how to fuse traditional craft with modern digital manufacturing.

Photography wise I take pictures to make me happy, and occasionally make zines.


I am into programming, electronics, ham radio and professionally into cryptography engineering and computer security. Likes #c, #go, #haskell, #emacs, #freesoftware.

I have another account where I mostly write about my amateur radio adventures (@vu3rdd)

erik :nixos:


Ruby developer.
Takes the odd photo.
Writes sometimes.

Jan :whyfox:

Developer at large.
Occasional dabbler in the dark arts.
#ChronicPain and ranting about healthcare sometimes.
Builds stuff, like keyboards and electronics at times. Just realised I enjoy poetry. Translates things like #Mastodon into Swedish when I can’t sleep.
Never really discovered who I was growing up, trying to be myself anyway.

- “What is it that you want? Tell me.”
- “Oblivion.”

Grattis, du har hittat min dagbok.