Aravinth Manivannan

Open on

Hello 👋

I'm a Free Software developer currently working on:
- Accessible automated CAPTCHAS with @mcaptcha
- Libre forge ecosystem with @gna
- JAMstack platform with focus on privacy and speed with @librepages
- Software forge federation with @forgeflux

My pronouns are he/him


Evilham :antifa:

jaz :twt: :wales_flag:

Llanilltud Fawr born and bred. #Defaidodon am byth.

This is my personal account, see @jaz for my IFTAS work account supporting #TrustAndSafety in the Fediverse.

Tßm TƔt Moderators: @teamtoot

#Cymru #Cymraeg #Wales #Welsh #MastoMods #TrustAndSafety #Rygbi #Rugby #DyddDilyn #YAGYM #Ymarfer

Tommi đŸ€Ż

I am a wonderer and a wanderer.
I love connecting (to) #people and endlessly #talking.

I am the co-founder and director of #ScambiFestival ( ‹
Currently graduating in #Philosophy, #International Studies and #Economics at Ca’ Foscari #University in #Venice.

#TMI #Fediverse #Sociology #Socialism #antiCapitalism #poetry #Politics #Europe #EU #decentralization #love #music #fedi22

devrtz :debian:

Mostly harmless

Debian enthusiast \o/

- Runs #emacs to develop #MobileLinux
- Can't shut up about his favourite band #kgatlw #kglw
- Tree-shaped Professional
- Is secretly a lizard
- Kann Spuren von Nuessen enthalten

PGP: B938 6554 B7DD 266B CB8E 29A9 90F0 C9B1 8A6B 4A19

Mycelium @ pixelfed

Admin @ &


tinkerer, g(r)eek, (fl)oss developer, sysadmin, student, hacker and musician. another one of these nerds you see in random places online every now and then. don't mind me, i have some work to do.

This is a strictly personal account meant for everything. I am NOT Dutch, yet I accidentally come up with non sequiturs sometimes.

Lutin Discret

Développe chez @codelutin et bricole sur #finance #rémunération #juridique #MécénatCodeLutin

Sur Masto pour échanges constructifs et réseautage afin de faire avancer mes causes : #LogicielLibre #ViePrivée #autogestion

Je vais notamment essayer de partager mon expĂ©rience de @codelutin : mes opinions (nombreuses et tranchĂ©es) ne sont pas celles des autres lutin⋅es (et c'est tant mieux #diversitĂ©)

#ProgrammationFonctionnelle #TypageStatique #Java #VueJS #postgresql #git #foutaisologie

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I discovered when I graduated from Computer Science I prefer people to programming. I toot about privacy and about how RFC1984 relates to that. My main interest at the moment is the threat of mass data collection and surveillance. I like to raise awareness of this RFC:

I also like talking about @librecast.

Signée of #PHPledge. #CovidIsStillHere #LongCovid

Pronouns : she/her

Been on the Fediverse since 2017

Gergely Nagy 🐁

A tiny mouse, a hacker | đŸ· #keyboard, #firmware, #WholeLotOfRandomStuff

Dear Facebook: :female_presenting_nipple:


On the beaches of Super Sunny Southern California.

(And the remote mountain wilderness of Humboldt)

Slackware, OpenBSD, and a bit of a Debiantard.

#Slackware #Linux #FOSS #openBSD #NetBSD #freeBSD #Debian #ArchLinux #Humboldt #tallship #cheezburgerz

Ravi Dwivedi

I am from India. Mathematics postgraduate from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. I am a #freesoftware and #privacy activist. Currently helping #prav project. I also contribute to #debian, #libreoffice and #openstreetmap. Member of Indian Pirates.
Pronouns: he/him.