Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I write about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #WebDev.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!


(He/Him) 🇧🇷

Chat with me at https://matrix.to/#/@rafaelcaricio:caric.io


Rami Awar @rami@fosstodon.org

I tweet about backend, system design, and frontend sometimes.

Senior Backend @Agriplace

Author at http://softgrade.org

Views are mine


Ain Tohvri @tekkie@mstdn.social

CTO at Savings United. Contributor and maintainer of various Free and #OpenSource #Software projects. 

#foss #devops #tech #webdev #programming #rubyonrails #privacy #fedi22

🇩🇪 / 🇪🇪 / 🇪🇺

Hyena Liker Extraordinaire @asonix@masto.asonix.dog

27, local liom, friend, rust (lang) stan, bi

header by @tronixx@furaffinity.net
icon by @heymayaart@furaffinity.net


Stand: LIONS
Stand User: AODE
- Keris (not on here)

Alper Çuğun-Gscheidel @alper@rls.social

Engineering Manager
Software Engineer: Python, Django, Rust
Strategic Product Management
Agile: Boyd, Lean
Author: Designing Conversational Interfaces
Purveyor: Cuppin.gs app
Father of Twins

Davy :neovim: :rust: :arch: @davy@fosstodon.org

I'm Davy (he/him), a senior software engineer | hacker | maker.

These days I'm mostly doing #Rustlang 🦀 and #TypeScript 🛠️.

I ❤️ to learn on a daily basis, to face new challenges and to contribute to open-source.

I'm 100% 🌱-based.

caleb @calebjasik@mas.to

html/css dev - likes bread, coffee, and men

Paul Reece @paulreece_@ruby.social

Software/Web Development, Data, Python, Ruby

Rails Triage Team
Pandas Triage Team


Christof @chdorner@secretbearsociety.org


recreationally – mechanical/ergo keyboards, urbanism, bicycles, specialty coffee, photography.

professionally – seasoned software engineer, product practices enthusiast

alt/backup account at @christof

my posts are licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Brendan @brendan@mastodon.brendans-bits.com

A PhD candidate and tinkerer, interested in #FreeBSD #rust #rustlang #CriticalRealism

Mark Davis @mark@colovo.com

Interested in the open web, decentralized identities and verifiable credentials. Startup guy with indie macOS and iOS roots.

Kiran Babu @wkgcls@hachyderm.io

Dad. Husband. Programmer. Son.

Working in the Big Data space. I work mostly with technologies that run on the JVM.
Toots are more likely to be internal monologues that simply wouldn’t stay within.

Érico Andrei 🇧🇷 :plone: @ericof@pynews.com.br

🧑 Ele/dele
Empreendedor, evangelista de software livre, Juventino.
:python: Fellow da @ThePSF,
:plone: Presidente da @plone Foundation.
Posts aqui são primariamente em #pt-br, e representam apenas minhas opiniões.🖖🏻