Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I write about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #WebDev.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!


(He/Him) 🇧🇷

Chat with me at https://matrix.to/#/@rafaelcaricio:caric.io


Yann DAMIAN @cestpasfaux@pouet.chapril.org

A force de changer de couleur le caméléon a un peu oublié de quel couleur il était à l'origine donc je fais un tas de trucs autour de la technique au sens large ! avec une dominante autour de l'électronique/informatique/dev mais pas que...

Esteban :linux: :rstats: @estebanmonte@fosstodon.org

I'm a #rstats enthusiast. I love reading and writing about #statistics., #linux, and #opensource projects related to #stats. I love #bayesian stats and new developments in #bayestats. All my views are my own opinion. :popos: #Rstats

PS: I may post in #spanish or #english.

pepicrft @pepicrft@fosstodon.org

Senior Staff Developer at Shopify 🛒 
Open-source and human tech advocate. Building an open-source localization hub: https://masto.gesttalt.com/@gesttalt

#myelixirstatus #elixirlang

Ihar Razanau @razanau@fediscience.org

A researcher in the field of carbon materials and energy storage. Love all things about dataviz. Occasionally enjoy photography @ihar

Steve Bate @steve@social.technoetic.com

American who spends beaucoup de temps in Southern France. I'm interested in #computers, #SoftwareDevelopment, #SemanticWeb, #osint, #DistributedComputing, #pkm, #HomeAutomation, #PhysicalComputing, #iot, #rpi, #esp32, #hiking, #traveling, learning #french and lots of other stuff.

Joel Wirāmu, Pauling @jwp@cloudisland.nz

Pākehā with a strong Māori bi-cultural upbringing and Identity (Ngati Ngorongo - Taranaki hapu). Engineer, Geek, Psyc/Social researcher, Red hat employee. Always have an opinion, sometimes it's worth something ;-)

Wellington, New Zealand based.

May contain #dog #cat #electronics #linux & #social #psychology

@aenertia on other things

Unless otherwise noted any original media posted here is done so on a CC:BY:SA licence


Jean-Baptiste @jb@social.lemee.co

Senior Software Developer

Là où je vis, le vouvoiement n'existe pas. Je ne vous manque pas respect en tutoyant ;)

Chris Adams @mrchrisadams@mastodon.social

Science & justice. Also: coffee, cities, UX & code. Aghast at all the typos in my tweets. I'm an organiser at climateAction.tech, and I work at the greenwebfoundation.org. He/Him.
mrchrisadams on most of the social networks

Waag Futurelab @Waag@mastodon.social

Technologie is niet neutraal / Technology is not neutral
@Waag & waag.org

Reto @reto@pleroma.labrat.space

Interested in programming in general (I dabble in go and python mostly) and science (biology / chemistry)

Oh, and if you want to talk about fantasy books of any kind, I'm all ears.


Dave Forgac @tylerdave@mastodon.social

By day I help people who do things with computers. Organizer @pyohio. Probably posting about: kids, Cleveland, D&D, APIs, Python, running, synths, bass, & effects. he/him