Aaron Bieber qbit@mammothcirc.us

Open on mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=


p̻̻̥r̥̻̥o̻j̤͛ec͔t̞dp :verifiedpurple: @projectdp@infosec.exchange

🛡️#DevSecOps | #OpenSource | #Tech | #Security | #InfoSec | #Hacker | #Networking | #OpenBSD | #NetBSD | #FreeBSD | #Linux | #Homelab | #Selfhosted | #fedi22 🔐

:openbsd: :puffer: :netbsd: :freebsd: :archlinux: :linux: :alpinelinux: :slackware: :opensource: :vim: :rust: :python: :raspberry_pi: :redhat: :terminal: :gnu: :hecked: :hacked: 🦶

LNLSN @lnlsn@hachyderm.io

Chip Keefer @chipkeefer@mas.to

Ex-sysadmin/Infosec guy. Big fan of decentralization! I love technology and wish I was better at programming. I work for a small non-profit. Semi-retired. Linux user since early 90's.

BMG @bmcgee84@fosstodon.org

writer of software • lover of craft beer

Rob Keizer @robertkeizer@bsd.network

I dabble in a bunch of different things from reconfigurable computing to metalworking to music. I run a small public network (AS62752) using OpenBSD. I do devops-ish things at the Internet Archive.

sevan @sevan@sunny.garden

If you know me from an open source project, do you need to follow me here? (time out, fresh start)

Started Viewpoint Linux

he / him

Terminal font: Fantasque Sans Mono Italic

🎶 "Traveling down my own road
Watching the signs as I go" 🎶

#noindex #nobot #nobots

Ionut Balosin @ionutbalosin@mastodon.social

Software Architect | Technical Trainer | Security Champion | Speaker | Blogger | www.ionutbalosin.com

sdk @sh@bsd.network

I love sane software. So it's not surprising that I'm using #OpenBSD. I program #C, #Perl and #ABAP for food.

Laurent Cheylus @lcheylus@bsd.network

Software engineer specialized in Cybersecurity

Linux OpenBSD FreeBSD - FOSS Contributor
Lyon (France) addict
Messages in French 🇫🇷 and English 🇬🇧

Damien Miller @djm@cybervillains.com

debugging, v: the process of inserting printf statements into code until one's errors reveal themselves

nith @Nitheren@bsd.network