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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:



Hi, I'm Talon. I make music, develop audio games, advocate for accessibility, record and design sounds, do accessibility work during the day, and this is an account on an instance that may or may not break horribly in the future. I keep saying this isn't my main account, but for now I'm probably gonna post here a lot.

a Sapoconcha Tradutora

Algo bióloga e moi tradutora (GL, ES, EN).
Adicta a aprender idiomas, 现在学着汉语.
Synesthesia enjoyer (as palabras teñen cores).
Lévome ben cos gatos e coas pegas.
Ela, ella, she/her, 她.


No estoy aqui para tener sentido.

Be prepared to read toots in multiple languages.

Scheißpfosting? Ja, Danke!

Elikkäs sekaisin asiaa ja tyhjänjauhantaa.

If you don't like books or languages, why would you even send a follow request?

Autisti ja trans.

Ik heb geen voornaamwoorden, gebruik wat je wilt.

No nazis, fascists, terfs, antivaxxers, cryptobros or similar.

Ma liikun ainult fitsiga ja rongiga.

Anti-Chompsky Aktion 🚩🏴 generative linguistics is 💩

Also BookWyrm: @Stoori.


Lector , Cuenta Cuentos, Conciencia Social
Diseñador Gráfico


Rust nerd, a bit too into reading political and legal news, and a general dislike of autobiography.

Fede Opitz

Targy :heart_bi: ⁂

He/Him. Opositor en mis ratos libres, friki de lo mío a tiempo completo. Suelo hablar de historia, política y videojuegos.

Icono de perfil de @ana_r

Leslie Farnsworth

#Writer of #fiction, voracious #reader of #literature, inveterate #humanities and #socialsciences nerd (and former #academic), ponderer, yoga person, flaneuse, goofball, friend.

From the #USA 🇺🇸, living in #Switzerland 🇨🇭. Here for connections and conversations.

Arturo Fernández

Apasionado de la tecnología, domótica, accesibilidad y todo aquello que mejore la vida de las personas

Alon Lischinsky

Corpus linguist slash discourse analyst
Scholar of smut and sexual cultures
Senior Lecturer and union rep at Oxford Brookes University
Godless unpatriotic neurotic radical left pervert
They/them // elle/le // זיי/זייער

#CorpusLinguistics #DiscourseAnalysis #PornStudies #CorpusStylistics #TransStudies

Pratik Patel

I am a blind technologist, humanist, a voracious devourer of books, speaker, writer, and a thinker, who finds himself championing #accessibility for fun and necessity. I'm currently exploring the complex world of AR and VR worlds to find best ways to achieve full accessibility for disabled people.

Oh and give me your fun book recommendations: be it nonfiction, science fiction and fantasy, romance, mystery, and more.


Hablando #Guaraní #español y #português.
Viviendo en la Triple Frontera.
Lector, conversador, curioso.
Cumpliendo sueños y metas a cada paso.

Estudiante, y Pesquisador / Investigador de la Unila en historia horal y vida lingüística y literatura comparada.