
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Pseudo Nym

Place holder as I'm testing out CalcKey.

Main is

#gamer #infosec #dad #coffee #puns

I'm an older geek dad in the California bay area.

Please talk to me about
#coffee , #puns , #infosec , #books , #scifi, #ttrpg, or other geeky topics.

I like cheesy 80s pop music, Rush, and GloryHammer. No apologies.

I've discovered
#mastocats hash tag, and #mosstodon and #photography and they've all made this a much more humane place.

I like seeing the "slice of life" posts from real people. These kinds of moments are what connects us.

Pronouns: he/him

#Infosec, #nerd, #dad, older #geek.

Miguel González

Kol B

Aquí estoy al fin, llevándome una buena sorpresa. Interesado en aprender, picando de muchas cosas. El conocimiento me persigue pero yo soy más rápido.
"Lo que sea que hice, lo hice por los loles".

Kübra Oğurtanı :duck_verified:

#UntilEveryCageIsEmpty 🍃

I have an irresistible instinct to declare PhD.c in my social media bios.


:meow: Baa ​:blobsheepsnuggle:

Hello, I am Baa!

I love Mangos and Cats :cat: 🥭
I have a cat called Mango, I love her :blobcatnommango:

I also enjoy anime :blobcatanimeeyes:, self-hosting :black_computer:, Python :python:, other cats :blobcat:, collecting art ​:apusheendraw:, AMVs, cooking :comfychef:, Ubuntu :ubuntu: and my stolen and original memes :meowevil:

Also a big Neuro-sama fan.

I will post about all of these things indiscriminately.

I'm part of a Discord cult that hosts weekly anime group watches, if that sounds like fun to you come check us out :gyate_momiji_awoo:

By reading this, I already consider you my friend.

Óscar Gorri

Aprendiz de todo y sabio de nada.
Cuanto más alto me pongan el listón más fácilmente pasaré por debajo.

Sofia ☭🇧🇷☭

Socialism with Brazilian characteristics

Katy T

I love reading: fantasy, mysteries, adventure books. I love archiving;: Harry Potter Fanfics, books and shows. I sometimes make music and always love animals. I am a tea drinker. If you are interested in the Potter folder or other archives, feel free and message me.

Wil James

All around fun guy, love to read, play games, works with assistive tech, lives in Charlotte, NC. #grilling #charcoal #gaming #tech #technology #assiccessibility

Eggmont 🐘

Open source 🐧🐧🐧, open records, and privacy. Writer, Artist, Systems Engineer, Jazz Musician, Yoda-Guru.

Linux: Fedora for personal use. Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD as needed for professional use. Windows only when absolutely necessary.

David P A

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo