
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


The Bitchin' Witches 🐕‍🦺🧙‍♀️

I'm a #Deafblind #NeuroDivergent introvert using #Braille ad tactile #ASL for communication. Caffeine and books are my love language. I'm a Queer kitchen #witch interested in #cooking and #AromaTherapy,. My dogs are my people. Phoenix is 4 and is my owner trained #ServiceDog. Callisto is in training to work for me as well. They are both #GoldenRetrievers. I take terrible pictures of dogs and food and write very bad alt text because I can't see the pictures I take! 😂

fanta ⁂

Me gusta comer pan y el software libre

Escribo de vez en cuando en y hago el lumpen digital en los sábados a las 12 de la mañana

🦩 Alexia Powder 🦩


Unlike others I don't want to destroy pink, I just want it to be just another colour option.

Hay quienes quieren destruir el rosa, otras queremos que solo sea un color más.

Gestora de la 🌺 Lindocracia 🏖️ de Lili.

Cuenta principal:

Tarteka 🌈

Me gano la vida como Técnico en Emergencias Sanitarias (TES).
Me apasiona tanto la informática que estoy estudiando, poco a poco, Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web.

Marta Torre 💢 :wordpress:

👩‍💻 Fullstack web dev
🥩 Food/Beers 🍻
♀ Feminist/Activist ✊
🎮 Gamer
🌎 Changing the world
🚴‍♀️ Bikes and mobility
Ⓦ WordPress
👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽 #WPDiversity
💼 Freelance
🌈 She/Her

#diversity #accesibility #sustainability #privacy #opensource #linux #development #freelance #wordpress #urbanism #ethics #politics #feminism #myopinions #UrbanMobility

[Profile picture: image of Marta, a white cis woman giving a presentation wearing a black t-shirt with the word human in lgtbiq+ colours.]


I make things with computers · they/them

avatar description: a yellow smiling blob in front of a blue sky with clouds 🙂


Hi! I'm a #writer and #nonfiction #editor looking to explore and highlight the interesting aspects of our world. The magazine I co-founded, @snipette, aims to explain the world in an accessible way.

I also #read a lot, and am always on the lookout for interesting bits of #science, #culture, #history, or #philosophy which come out an some point or other in my articles, as well as people interested in writing about their work or ideas. Expect to see me haunting the local timeline!

R.S.A. Garcia (she/her)

SpecFic author. Sturgeon, Nebula, Locus & Ignyte Finalist. Codex/SFWA. Clarkesworld/Strange Horizons/EscapePod
Amazon Bestseller:
No racists, TERFS, fascists etc. allowed.

Agent: Cameron McClure - Donald Maass Literary Agency /

Go Fund Me for cancer:

#scifi #authors #sff #fantasy #romance #horror #Trini #books #movies #TV

Salvi Y Goleta

Fisio, perruna, podcaster batallando con la tecnología, volando con Goleta, mi perra guía alrededor del mundo ¿quien dice que la vida es aburrida?

Kat Moss

Amateur pianist and lover of all things tech. programming languages: C#, Powershell, Python. Operating systems: Windows and OpenSUSE. Guides: Odin, Frigg, and various Fae. I love and respect all beings whether human, Fae, deity, or otherwise. The time will come when technologists and environmentalists can work together.

James Scholes

Digital #Accessibility Engineer/Analyst, #ScreenReader user, and occasional #software developer. #a11y