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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


mannaz / मनीषा

Mealybug murderer and hater of ants that farm the mealybugs!

#Neuroscientist by training, Independent #DataScientist by profession, trying to not be boxed by these labels though..

Interested in #Sustainability, #ScientificReform, #AcademicReform, #PublicPolicy, #Cooperatives, #FOSS, #governance


thingol :mastodon:

Viejo UNIXero/Linuxero que además trabajó en comunicación bastantes años (radio comercial), que ama la libertad de expresión, la literatura, el cine, este planeta, esta vida y conocer/aprender cosas y lugares.

Adrianna Tan

Queer Southeast Asian in California working on #civictech. I lead the product team at San Francisco Digital Services.

In my spare time, I shoot film, ride steel bikes, play jazz piano and saxophone, and look at birds and mushrooms. Will block transphobes and tankies on sight.

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #BikeTooter

Misty-don 👩🏼‍🦯

legally blind,mild hearing loss,Christian,INFJ,synesthete,public radio nerd,newsie,MVPSer,radio amateur,Latinist by training,air/space/wx geek, non-techie #PolishPride


#author #father #husband #facebook

Ana :heart_bi:

26 | Translator and English teacher | lgt(b) | I sometimes post drawings

ES | EN | DE (toots mostly in Spanish)

Óscar Yáñez González

honk honk I'm a truck *brrrrr*

:wave: Hi.

Infosec/GRC consultant specializing in program management, risk assessment and mitigation, and small-g governance. That's my hobby. My profession is running Glass & Stone Pottery Studio in Lake Stevens, Washington, USA.


Agender. Intersectional anarchism, linguistics, bass, birds, computers, ADHD, other stuff.

Disclosure: white, almost thirty

Not interested in flirting



Laid back easy going geeky dude.

Often bland like mayo. Occasionally zingy like mustard.

#Music #Cooking #Food #Programming #Coding #Pets

Be groovy. Be kind. Be weird.

Bouncing around the fediverse. Just moved here from a soon to be deleted personal instance account @me

Alt fedi account @finner

Oriol Gómez Sentís

I'm a blind software developer from Spain. I speak English, Spanish and Catalan, learning Italian and German. (he/him).

Jose María Ortiz

Aprendiz de muchas cosas y apasionado de las nuevas tecnologías. Intentando que las cosas sean más fáciles de utilizar y accesibles a todas las personas