
Open on

You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.


Ellie 🏳️‍🌈 :verified_gay:

I'm a Swede in my 30s with a burning passion for human rights—especially when it comes to my fabulous transgender and queer friends! I'm all about chatting up a storm on the latest trans and queer rights gossip, like a human rights superhero with an insatiable appetite for justice. From breaking news to the hurdles our rainbow family encounters, you'll find me front and center, rocking my equality cape and fighting the good fight!

Joe CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported


queer trans art witch
partner: @Cryptika
#auDHD #EDS #POTS #MCAS #LongCovid
#queer #trans #neuroqueer #plural
UX Dev
This is my account to post art (and backup account)

My main account is @slimepsychic.

hinged death kinnie

a 🐺dog🐺 trapped between a bunch of computers. maintenance demon of octodon & i dont like this
~ ⛧ ~
anarchist & communist, very much & violently so;
dm are open; 26 & cant let minors in here; white & anti-white;
this is a personal account not some public facade: expect (lack of)mental health, sex, drugs, death, disability stuff, trans stuff, horsefucking, etc.
please do not follow solely for instance admin stuff.
~ ⛧ ~
probably more afraid of you than you are of her. bites but it's affectionate

:bisexual_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :lesbian_flag: :polyamory: :neurodiversity: :anarchist_flag: :anartrans_symbol:

Torsten Knabe

Professionally: Developer focused on #a11y and frontend
Personally: Queer urbanist who loves trains and bikes
Britishally: Guardian reading, tofu eating wokerati

Lindsay Zhou

Lang: EN, CN, DE learning

My IRC Server ( ergo with gamja ):

Most notes about my life, a little tech


Antonio Prado

Passionately curious, active in #IT since 1993. Opensource enthusiast and #IPv6 early adopter, currently I am the Chief Technology Officer at AS59715, a local government body in Italy. Former #MANRS ambassador and MANRS Steering Committee member, I recently co-authored the book "#BGP, from theory to practice", already available in Italian, to be published in English by 2022 Q2. #fedi22 #Internet #DNS #routing #RPKI #RIPE #ISOC #BSD #LINUX

Luish Hernández

Fighting for net + device neutrality. Open, decentralized, accessible technologies. co-founder.

What I do #deviceneutrality


In the ancient past I worked as an archaeologist, these days I code for a living, hopefully benefitting Swedish higher education. I am one of the admins of along with @frida and @whero

These are some things I like:
🌱 Plants and gardening
🗣️ Learning languages, currently 日本語
💻 Free and open source software
⚔️ Practicing martial arts
🌍 Being vegan
🌊 Ĥ|Ψ(t)〉= iħẟ/ẟt|Ψ(t)〉

My profile picture is an image of me, a bald guy in a blonde beard.


most of the time i am confused about whats going on around me.

at the moment i live in an old car. together with a dog, some spiders and sometimes a rat comes to visit me, no worries you dont get overwhelmed with dog pictures (he mostly wants to stay anonymous)

i mostly live off what people call "trash"
i dont have a job and i am glad about that

i am interested in unix, open source, meditation, free radio, free parties, anarchism...

lang: en, de, un petit peu fr

Mx Lottie

Native English speaker, Programmer, Gamer, Teacher, Polyam, Pan, Trans, Cuddle & Snuggle fiend

Open to receiving affection :3 :teal_heart:

❤️❤️❤️ with @lightdark