Homer S. homer77@sozial.ismus.net

Open on sozial.ismus.net

Mein Test-Account für GoToSocial


Homer S. @homer77@social.tchncs.de

:matrix: @homer77:ismus.net

activist from Münster, Germany

** Privilegien/Privileges **
male phenotype, white, able, middleclass/academic offspring, privileged job in german health care system

** Haltungen/Policies **
antifa antisexist antinational antibds intersectional

** Pronouns/Pronomen **
er 🇩🇪 / he 🇬🇧 / han 🇳🇴

** Interessen/Interests **
politics, psychology, psychotherapy, gaming, podcasting, foss, privacy

moanos @moanos@gay-pirate-assassins.de

25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro

Admin of this instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:

bjo @bjo@social.schafweide.org

#dogcontent #btwiusearch #btwiusealpine #fckafd

Dipl.Psych. Manuel Stein @manuelstein@gts.lob-online.de

Offizieller Fediverse-Account des
Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten Manuel Stein

Burt @burt_cokain@subversive.zone

Tell me Burt, why don't you work?
But I do work. I gather sunrays and colors for cold, dark times.

Daloy politsey.

nocci @nocci@social.fedipost.net

playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS - #notjustsad
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn

| no fascism | no racism |

hausrecht @hausrecht@sozial.ismus.net

Homer S. @homer77@chaos.social

:matrix: @homer77:ismus.net

activist from Münster, Germany

** Privilegien/Privileges **
male phenotype, white, able, middleclass/academic offspring, privileged job in german health care system

** Haltungen/Policies **
antifa antisexist antinational antibds intersectional

** Pronouns/Pronomen **
er 🇩🇪 / he 🇬🇧 / han 🇳🇴

** Interessen/Interests **
politics, psychology, psychotherapy, gaming, podcasting, foss, privacy

ryan harg :antifa: @ryan_harg@chaos.social

#nürnberg #antifa #feminism #cooking - weiß, white - born @ 333 CO2 ppm - Please tell me, if you require specific CWs that I don't use - to DM, please follow first.

moanos alt @moanos@social.hyteck.de

Alt/Dark account of @moanos:chaos.social. Very queer. Feel free to send follow request but I'll most likely will not accept it unless we follow each other. DMs from everyone welcome

Alun Jones @pengfold@social.ty-penguin.org.uk

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial





Charlie Kaufman world @ichundmeintofu@subversive.zone

natur :seedling: Anti-civ Primitivist :ecoanarchism_heart: | Wandern | introvertiert | Depression | social anxiety | Straight Edge | Öko | hab immer ein Buch dabei :blobcatreading: | :bisexual_flag: | Genderfluid Alien :alien: | older Millennial | Alle Pronomen | weiss #noRacism

Never shuts up about Placebo

Matrix: @xshanex:matrix.org