DysphoricUnicorn🪿 dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Open on fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

My instance does not show pinned posts or profile fields at the moment, if I've sent you a follow request that looked like I ignored this info from your profile, I'm sorry, it was not intended.

Pronouns: nin/nins, they/them or she/her


Rad4day @rad4day@chaos.social

Macht lustige Dinge mit Kubernetes und Ansible.

Coffee Nerd brewing tea in a French press.

Lexi& / Zoe / Riley :3 @binaryDiv@chaos.social

Meow. 🐱 Non-binary trans girl, does stuff with computers. Queer, polyam, flauschig, very homestuck. Spoonie. Probably has EDS.

🐈Tammi🐈 @tammeeee@estrogen.network

Moving to https://chaos.social/@tamtararam

Please talk to me first before you request to follow. Just say hello ;)

Hi I am yet another femme-bee transformer
Definitely a human and not a cat
Vegetable Eater
​:meow_code:​ / computer person who talks about computers a lot 👩‍💻
Likes music
🎹 and audio things ​:blobfoxheadphones:​
hehe cursed tech is fun
😏 ​:blobfoxdetective:​
demi ace of base panningsexual
​:pansexual_potion:​ / genderqueen ​:queer_pride_potion:​ / polygon armourous ​:blobhajflagpoly2:​ / augtistic ​:blobhajflagautism:​
Human after all
Needs Love
Too eepy and rushed
Power bad
🏴 ​:anarchoheart2:​
Atheist lol
Forgets that they are 24. She is scatty
Laughs at your bad jokes

I like witches

I am noisy, so look for the volume knob

Do content warnings and image descriptions please!

I don't know rust so well so I'm not that cool

dating red flags

#noindex #nobot #noarchive

Violet @madds@tech.lgbt

ADHD, Autistic, trans, polyamorous techie

Disabled and doing my best, working in DevOps at an actually good place.

Feel free to send a follow request!

You may also know me by Madds, but I go by Violet or Vi (Vai) now~

This is my public-ish facing account! If you find my other account(s) and don't know which one to follow, do this one first if I don't know you!

feminist mom @feministmom@octodon.social

Erz-Feministin. Antifaschistin. Here for the queer.

Bedürfnisorientierte & alleinerziehende Elternschaft, dazu noch sowas wie Karriere. Liebt ihr Kind (#die9Jährige). Und einen Mann namens A.

Marginalisierten glauben. Ismen entlernen.
trans rights are human rights
protect trans kids
sex work is work

Duldet kein Elternbashing und keine ableistische Sprache.

Follow requests sind okay, vorher interagieren würde mich freuen. Ich sortiere ein bisschen, wen ich annehme, bitte nehmt's mir nicht übel.

Ell 🏳️‍⚧️ @c9a@cathode.church

Engineer, humanist, ever curious.
Trans, queer, polyam, 30-something.
Descriptivist in labels and in language.
At home in the rainy Pacific Northwest.
Also, I get really excited about emoji as a Unicode standard sometimes.

Everything is complicated. Moderation in everything, including moderation. Nuance in everything, including calling for nuance.

Profile picture: A selfie of me, a white person with long dark brown hair and painted nails, taking a selfie in a mirror. It's a small round blue-tinted mirror mounted in a metal box.

Header image: a wide rectangle grid of large pixels of various colors, some linking together to form larger shapes. Some are solid colored, others are dithered in a 4x4 pattern of smaller pixels.

njan @njan@chaos.social

Stopft sich die Backen voll mit webdev-foo. Lernt React und nimmt dabei sehr viele Umwege.
Freue mich andere Leute (und Hamster) kennen zu lernen, die auch struggeln und lernen.
Stuffing my cheeks with all the webdevelopment things while learning React and taking every detour possible.
I‘m always happy to get to know other folks (and hamsters) who are also learning and struggling forwards.

Riley ⚧ @RileyStarlight@cathode.church

Non-normative, neurodivergent, open [hard|soft]ware developer girl.
Avatar @scrimsart

Owner of https://akornsys-rdi.net
Founder of https://pcbidb.akornsys-rdi.net/

Nightsky System (moved!) @nightsky_system@plural.cafe

We're an origin-agnostic median system of at least 8. Physically we're adults and our younger members don't use this account much/unsupervised. White and not proud of it.

🌆 Lilly (she/her, host of the system; integrated from old "versions" of Sara and Lilly, and is still both of them - but also herself; went by Wind (and signed with 🌀) for a while)
🌌 Sara (she/her, co-host, used to be chronically lonely, but now loves life; integrated but came back)
🌑 Gotos (he/him, fictive in his own author's mind)
🦊 Firefox (she/her, not affiliated with the browser; plushy)
⚡ Rai (they/them, genderflux or smth, rare fronter, mostly annoyed by many things)
🌺 Mia (she/her, (probably) age sliding between ~8 and ~12); mostly keeps to her own account @Mia_nightsky@plural.cafe
🔥 Zagreus (he/him; not a fictive, but does resonate with the character from Hades. Potentially a masc version of Lilly.)
💫 Aurora-Nova Violet (she/her; fragment, full of herself in the best ways)

We collectively listen to the name Sky.

Some of the names we use here are not the ones we'd usually use in order to protect our identity.

duncan @balrogboogie@rage.love

I may not be well versed in leftist theory but I will do the dishes

i mostly post shit about lefty politics, guitar, music, languages, and computers

If you don't have any posts or a bio, I'm not going to approve your follow request.


avatar is Chris Hannah from Propagandhi

pizza cat @pizzacat@kolektiva.social

antifascist vegan & bi trans anarchist shitposter. 40s. ADHD.
“cats love him, cops hate him”
“best music recommender” -my bffs

Violet - anarchist mom @Vyen@queer.garden

:HeartTrans: :Heart_Lesbian: :HeartBisexual: :HeartAutism: :HeartPolyamory: :anarchy:
Literally just three kittens and a crowbar tucked into a flannel shirt
The trans dyke foxgirl they forgot to warn you about. 
Commits random acts of violet. 
White as spoiled milk, aging like fine wine. 
Cops fuck off. This includes landlords and everyone occupied with policing others. 
'White feminists' (terfs, swerfs, entitled middleclass mommies, etc.) can eat a brick.