DysphoricUnicorn🪿 dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Open on fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

My instance does not show pinned posts or profile fields at the moment, if I've sent you a follow request that looked like I ignored this info from your profile, I'm sorry, it was not intended.

Pronouns: nin/nins, they/them or she/her


pawlowa @pawlowa@cybre.space

queer anarchist enby from Leipzig, bass player and musicologist, parent, boardgamepunk, accountant, 161, bipolar, pronoun they, CET
new account: @pawlowa

Erin Bee @erinbee@gorgon.city

toni ✨🧠 @toni@chaos.social

Queer asexual nerd, on this earth since 1981
I can't make serotonine, so I get it store-bought.
Anti-capitalist, antifa
Mid mental health
adhd and other neurodiversities
Lives in SW-Germany

Sydney @DysphoricUnicorn@chaos.social

Full stack dev Anfang 20, schreibe manchmal über Arbeit und/ oder Politik. Aktuelle Selbstbezeichnung „Queere Zecke“

terru @stuebinm@pleroma.stuebinm.eu

Sporadische Posts aus Zügen, denen Tische fehlen

ctucx (moved to @leah@ctu.cx) @leah@fedi.home.ctu.cx

leah, she/her, lvl 24, 🏳️‍⚧️, :antifa:

you may know me from my pleroma account at @leah@ctu.cx

:matrix:: leah:ctu.cx
🔒: @leah_priv
🎁: https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/219M8GJM9ZRUK

unlink :bisexual_flag: @unlink@chaos.social

vegan | does stuff with data and space | somewhat chaos | natürlich antifa

feminist mom @feministmom@octodon.social

Erz-Feministin. Antifaschistin. Here for the queer.

Bedürfnisorientierte & alleinerziehende Elternschaft, dazu noch sowas wie Karriere. Liebt ihr Kind (#die9Jährige). Und einen Mann namens A.

Marginalisierten glauben. Ismen entlernen.
trans rights are human rights
protect trans kids
sex work is work

Duldet kein Elternbashing und keine ableistische Sprache.

Follow requests sind okay, vorher interagieren würde mich freuen. Ich sortiere ein bisschen, wen ich annehme, bitte nehmt's mir nicht übel.

njan @njan@chaos.social

Stopft sich die Backen voll mit webdev-foo. Lernt React und nimmt dabei sehr viele Umwege.
Freue mich andere Leute (und Hamster) kennen zu lernen, die auch struggeln und lernen.
Stuffing my cheeks with all the webdevelopment things while learning React and taking every detour possible.
I‘m always happy to get to know other folks (and hamsters) who are also learning and struggling forwards.

Violet - anarchist mom @Vyen@queer.garden

:HeartTrans: :Heart_Lesbian: :HeartBisexual: :HeartAutism: :HeartPolyamory: :anarchy:
Literally just three kittens and a crowbar tucked into a flannel shirt
The trans dyke foxgirl they forgot to warn you about. 
Commits random acts of violet. 
White as spoiled milk, aging like fine wine. 
Cops fuck off. This includes landlords and everyone occupied with policing others. 
'White feminists' (terfs, swerfs, entitled middleclass mommies, etc.) can eat a brick.

Lexi& / Zoe / Riley :3 @binaryDiv@chaos.social

Meow. 🐱 Non-binary trans girl, does stuff with computers. Queer, polyam, flauschig, very homestuck. Spoonie. Probably has EDS.

Ell 🏳️‍⚧️ @c9a@cathode.church

Engineer, humanist, ever curious.
Trans, queer, polyam, 30-something.
Descriptivist in labels and in language.
At home in the rainy Pacific Northwest.
Also, I get really excited about emoji as a Unicode standard sometimes.

Everything is complicated. Moderation in everything, including moderation. Nuance in everything, including calling for nuance.

Profile picture: A selfie of me, a white person with long dark brown hair and painted nails, taking a selfie in a mirror. It's a small round blue-tinted mirror mounted in a metal box.

Header image: a wide rectangle grid of large pixels of various colors, some linking together to form larger shapes. Some are solid colored, others are dithered in a 4x4 pattern of smaller pixels.