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Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them



emacser, content writer, over-thinker
i like cooking as well
also i run (badly)

Paul SomeoneElse

My name is Paul.
I like bands like High on Fire.
I like bicycles but don't ride them anymore.
I'm some form of socialist/anarchist and pro-labor / unions.
I volunteer for both :)

I like all of the programming languages and switch too often between them.
vi not vim, but emacs is ok too especially when doing lisp stuff.


Reader of things. Interested in the small internet and people's passion projects.


Rev.Dr. Nikolai Kingsley

will not shut up about Skinny Puppy, Devin Townsend or Jack Vance. friend to ragdolls, if not their commercial breeders. author of the Subgenius science fiction novel "Eyelash"

pronouns: quietly

> but that's an adverb


A winged creature that does the code and maybe even other things. Patented procrastinating on my own projects. I guess I'm also a notable geminaut?

Expect: Furry crap, programming crap (primarily Ada & Common Lisp), and retro tech crap. Also some shitposts. Also angry rants.

All opinions are those of your employer

Note: I rarely post or boost (CW'd) NSFW art

Avatar by @Hexephre

Av Demeisen

A Demolished Man.


Adrianna Tan

Queer Southeast Asian in California working on #civictech. I lead the product team at San Francisco Digital Services.

In my spare time, I shoot film, ride steel bikes, play jazz piano and saxophone, and look at birds and mushrooms. Will block transphobes and tankies on sight.

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #BikeTooter


Explorer. Creator. LoTek Cyberpunk. #OmCru


♥ photography, sci fi & fact, sustainability, retro tech, nature, connecting, possibilities #EndCapitalism #PunchANazi #SlavaUkraini


The fixer (he/him), sometimes the broken, sometimes the breaker. Read my gopherhole for the rest - I can only fit so many keystrokes here, or, you know,... pull my finger.

My finger daemon holds many secrets. You definitively should try and find them all.

Hiro 🦥💤

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。
本好き オーディオブック、電子本、ポッドキャスト など。ながらで出来るものほど使ってます。紙媒体頑張りたい。


A person with #INFP and #HSP .
#Reader of things.
Learner of #Emacs .

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate
