hansenerd cg@gts.zknt.org

Open on gts.zknt.org

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

mail: cg@zknt.org
xmpp: cg@zknt.org
matrix: @cg:zknt.org
fedi: @cg

• I'm also @tercean
• running pixelfed.de for fun and no profit


Geheimorganisation @geheimorga@chaos.social

Wir sind eine spitzbübisch feixende Mischpoke von imponderablen, dem Chaos frönenden und abgefeimten Frechdachsen, die allerlei Fisimatenten anstellen. 🏳️‍🌈

…might work for coffee… @mwfc@chaos.social

mannix @mannix@chaos.social

Cologne, Germany

mad @AE35@hal9.ooo

mad // ccchh
Pronoun: he

sfof @sfof@chaos.social

#metal · #vegan · #dad² · #freifunk · #linux · #hamburg · #bike · #3dprinter · #spaceflight · #astronomy · #cats · #bass · #photography · #cameraman & #colorist ·
#FCKNZ · he/him · de/en · born at 331.92 ppm

yath @yath@muenchen.social

I do computers.

fellmoon 🏴 @fellmoon@bsd.network

Noobish but enthusiastic BSD-Beginner,
mostly driven by curiosity & coffee, various kinds of weird stuff, extreme music, counterculture, etc.
full time dreamer, part time realist.

I prefer sane and civilized conversations and the ability to respectfully disagree.

Toots might contain swearing nevertheless.

Nils @blastactionhero@mastodon.social

🧗‍♀️ Climber.

🎮 Video- and 🎲 Boardgamer.

📱 Social Media Consultant


Wenn dich diese Dinge interessieren folge mir gerne:


Danu @B3r6ur@chaos.social

Autistisch, Maker of things, ccc-nah, Künstler*in. Realitätsnah. I dont speak human, inter, trans, nonbinary, cross sleeved, non-human, weiß, behindert

kuro @Kurorori@chaos.social

🍻 Unix, beer & raised eyebrows,
👩🏼‍🔬 economic psychology & fun with graphs,
🦄 on various spectrums,
🤓 Turingcomplete,
🛜 building (IT-) infrastructure,
🌮 Vegan large-scale cooking & boardgames,
💁🏼‍♀️ Ask me, I am an adult.

Ⓐ Beautiful AnarKitty Ⓐ @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social

gnom :nonbinary_flag: @telegnom@chaos.social

Chaos, Komputer [sic], ADHS, Bier brauen, Backen, Kochen, IT-Foo, Eisenbahn, Fahrrad 🐧🏳️‍🌈